Senator Rand Paul is ‘attacked’ by protesters leaving RNC at the White House

Kentucky senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked by a mob of protesters as they left the White House Thursday.  A massive crowd of raucous protesters gathered outside of the White House for the final day of the Republican National Convention where they tried to drown out Donald Trump’s acceptance speech and accosted guests … Read more

Seattle cops accuse protesters of attempted murder for trying to trap officers in burning precinct

Seattle police claim that protesters attempted to trap them inside a precinct other demonstrators were setting on fire in an ‘attempted murder’ attempt Monday night.  Surveillance footage from the incident appears to show protesters stacking up plywood against the East Precinct door as the fire is set nearby. Cops released images of the door they … Read more

Man, 17, is charged as two BLM protesters shot dead in Kenosha

A 17-year-old has been arrested over the shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night that left two protesters dead and another injured in a possible vigilante attack amid a wave of looting.  Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested on Wednesday afternoon in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois and charged with first degree intentional homicide. The Antioch Police Department complaint says … Read more

Two shot dead and one wounded after BLM protesters defy curfew in Kenosha

Two people were killed and another was injured as a gun battle broke out on the third night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night.  Footage showed gunshots ringing out amid a scuffle in the street while bystanders screamed and fled in terror, with one person shot in the arm and another one hit in … Read more

One shot dead and two wounded after BLM protesters defy curfew in Kenosha

Three people have been shot overnight, one fatally, during the third night of protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Footage posted online showed people running through the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, as gunshots rang out, while videos showed wounded men lying on the ground. ‘Three people had been shot, and one … Read more

Aggressive crowd of BLM protesters accost white diners outside DC restaurants

A large crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters have accosted white diners outside several Washington, D.C. restaurants, demanding that they raise their fists to show solidarity with the movement.  Footage showing the demonstrators aggressively yelling at one woman in the Adams Morgan neighborhood went viral on social media and sparked a widespread backlash.   Many accused … Read more

Jacob Blake protesters try to storm the courthouse in Kenosha in THIRD night of chaos

Protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake entered their third night in Kenosha on Tuesday as crowds gathered outside the county courthouse and clashed with police, throwing bottles and fireworks at officers.  About 300 demonstrators defied the city’s 8pm curfew again after Governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency following a night of violence … Read more

Kenosha burns: BLM protesters set light to department of corrections building as looters run riot

Rioters set fire to car dealerships, furniture stores, dump trucks, and a Department of Corrections building while protesters clashed with National Guardsmen as Kenosha, Wisconsin, descended into violent chaos on Monday. The unrest entered its second day as outrage grows over the police shooting on Sunday of an unarmed black man in front of his … Read more

Barack Obama flames Donald Trump for ‘making stuff up and teargassing peaceful protesters’

Barack Obama unleashed on President Donald Trump in his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, saying the administration would do anything to win even if it meant tearing down America’s democracy. He made a clear, concise argument on why Trump was unqualified to serve in the Oval Office, sounding presidential as he … Read more

Dozens of Antifa protesters smashed windows and vandalized Whole Foods and Apple store in Brooklyn

Several dozen suspected Antifa members vandalized an Apple store and a Whole Foods supermarket in the trendy Williamsburg section of Brooklyn late on Saturday while spray painting anti-police graffiti and messages like ‘Murder Bezos’. Video shows several people wearing hooded shirts shattering the glass facade of the Apple location in Williamsburg using an object thrown … Read more