Norland Nanny reveals the easy ways to discipline your childd

A graduate of the prestigious college where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s nanny trained has revealed her advice to parents for disciplining their children.  Louenna Hood, 36, from Suffolk, graduated from Norland College, the world’s most elite nanny school, 15 years ago and has worked with many high-profile families since. The highly-reputable institution has supplied … Read more

Kate Middleton was ‘shy’ on early virtual engagements but has now ‘really come into her own’

Kate Middleton was ‘a little bit shy’ on early virtual engagements but has now ‘really come into her own’ on Zoom calls, a royal expert has revealed. The Duchess of Cambridge, 38,  and Prince William, 38, have spent lockdown at their Norfolk home of Anmer Hall with children Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, five, and Prince … Read more

Kate Middleton and Sir Andy Murray join forces for a video call with children to mark Wimbledon end

Duchess of Cambridge joined Sir Andy Murray for a video call with schoolchildren to mark what would have been Wimbledon finals weekend. Kate Middleton, 38, and Sir Andy, 33, shared tennis tips and lockdown stories with pupils from Bond Primary School in Mitcham, south London. Sir Andy, who shares three children with wife Kim Sears, … Read more

Kate Middleton has shown ‘more relaxed and accessible side’ in lockdown’

Kate Middleton has revealed a ‘more relaxed side’ during lockdown which has ‘fast-tracked’ her position in The Firm to ‘leader in her own right’, body language expert claims Body language expert analysed Kate Middleton’s, 38, lockdown appearancese   Judi James said royal has revealed a ‘more relaxed side’ on recent engagements  Revealed she has ‘dropped more … Read more

Prince George’s godmother buys him ‘impossible’ noisy toys

Prince George’s godmother Julia Samuels has revealed that she buys the ‘feisty and cheeky’ royal ‘impossible’ noisy toys which take Prince William ‘days to put together’ in a running joke inspired by Princess Diana. The psychotherapist, 60, London, became close to Lady Diana after meeting her at a dinner party in 1987, and is godmother … Read more

Prince William and Kate Middleton face difficult school decisions

Prince William and Kate Middleton face difficult decision over sending ‘shy’ Prince George to boarding school and will not make a choice until their children’s personalities develop further, a royal expert has claimed.  The Duke, 38, and the Duchess of Cambridge, 38, have been home-schooling Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, five, and Prince Louis, two, … Read more

Kate Middleton ‘killed market’ for royal paparazzi photos

The Duchess of Cambridge is killing off the paparazzi market with her candid photographs after being inspired by Princess Victoria of Sweden’s similar approach, according to a royal expert. Kate, 38, who is currently living at her Norfolk home of Anmer Hall with Prince William and their children, Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, five, and Prince Louis, … Read more

Prince William visits British teams working on a coronavirus vaccine

Prince William appeared in high spirits as he visited a British team working on a coronavirus vaccine and spoke to some of the people testing it out.  The Duke of Cambridge, 38, who is currently living at his Norfolk home of Anmer Hall with Kate Middleton, 38, and his children Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, … Read more

Royal fans claim Princess Charlotte ‘is the image’ of her grandmother Princess Diana

Her grandmother’s double! Royal fans claim Princess Charlotte is ‘the image’ of Princess Diana as a young girl in Prince William’s birthday photos Royal fans have pointed out Princess Charlotte’s resemblance to Princess Diana The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared a snap of their daughter, 5, today Some fans pointed out the similarity between the … Read more

The Queen shares a touching photo of her grandson the Duke of Cambridge

The Queen has shared a touching photograph of her grandson Prince William for his 38th birthday. Her Majesty, 94, is seen sitting next to the Duke of Cambridge as the pair both offer beaming smiles in the candid throwback, taken at the Patron’s Lunch Street Party in London, in 2016 to celebrate the Queen’s 90th … Read more