China has been giving potential coronavirus vaccine to key workers since July

China has been giving potential coronavirus vaccine to key workers since July, health official says Zheng, who is leading China’s vaccine development, revealed the news Saturday The nation launched ’emergency use’ of a potential COVID-19 vaccine on July 22 The health official said they are planning to ‘scale up’ the programme in autumn Comes as … Read more

Charity that rehomes chickens asks potential owners to send photos of their COOPS

Charity that rehomes chickens asks potential owners to send photos of their COOPS to prove they are appropriate to house the birds after a surge in interest during lockdown Chicken rehoming charity asks to see dated photos of would-be owners coops  Fresh Start for Hens now forces people to prove they have the right facilities Keeping … Read more

BT investors’ potential bid boost as company repels bid

BT shareholders expect boost in price of their stock after it was revealed that firm is preparing to defend itself against hostile bid By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:51 BST, 23 August 2020 | Updated: 21:51 BST, 23 August 2020 Shareholders in BT were expecting a boost in the price of their … Read more

HARRY WALLOP examines the potential pitfalls of the latest travel fad 

The SWIND EB-01 is one of the most powerful electric bikes on the planet, with top speeds of more than 60mph. Indeed, it’s got so much va-va-voom that it wouldn’t be allowed on British roads, where the top legal speed for e-bikes is a stately 15.5mph. But this does go some way towards explaining how Simon … Read more

Donald Trump gives TikTok 45 days to complete potential sale to Microsoft

BREAKING NEWS: The clock’s ticking! Donald Trump gives TikTok 45 days to complete potential sale to Microsoft in executive order BANNING any deal after that date By Keith Griffith For Published: 02:26 BST, 7 August 2020 | Updated: 02:38 BST, 7 August 2020 President Donald Trump has issued an executive order giving the Chinese … Read more

UK Government signs deal with drugs giant GSK for 60 million doses of potential coronavirus vaccine

University of Oxford Oxford University academics began developing the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in January. It is now named AZD1222, after the researchers signed a manufacturing partnership with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. Human trials started on April 23 and they are now in the final phase, with trials being carried out in the UK, Brazil and South … Read more

TALK OF THE TOWN: Cressida Bonas fears she will never reach her full potential

TALK OF THE TOWN: Cressida Bonas fears she will never reach her full potential despite dating Prince Harry and carving out a name as an actress By Alistair Foster, Joanna Bell And Sophie Cockerham For The Mail On Sunday Published: 00:01 BST, 19 July 2020 | Updated: 00:17 BST, 19 July 2020 She has dated a … Read more

Iggy Azalea teases potential collaboration with Lil Nas X

‘Are we about to become two hit wonders?’ Iggy Azalea teases potential collaboration with Lil Nas X as the Fancy rapper returns to the studio By J. Peterson For Daily Mail Australia Published: 07:10 BST, 11 July 2020 | Updated: 07:26 BST, 11 July 2020 Iggy Azalea could be teaming up with Old Town Road … Read more

Strain of swine flu virus prevalent in China has the potential to spread to humans, scientists warn 

A strain of the swine flu virus has become prevalent in pigs in China and has the potential to spread to humans and become another pandemic, researchers claim. Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences say pigs are a ‘key intermediate host’ or ‘mixing vessel’ for viruses spreading from wild animals into humans. The Chinese … Read more

Dragons’ Den turned down a potential £360million fortune

Dragons’ Den turned down a potential £360million fortune after rejecting craft beer company BrewDog at a screen test – and it’s now worth a staggering £1.6billion Co-owners James Watt and Martin Dickie set up the craft beer company in 2007 Duo, from Aberdeenshire, applied to Dragons’ Den in 2008 offering £100k stake  James revealed how … Read more