Fish poop generates 1.65 BILLION tons of carbon in the ocean that helps regulate water levels

Fish poop, breath and other excretions produce over a billion tons of carbon every year, according to a new study. That’s more than 15 percent of all the carbon in the ocean, the planet’s largest active carbon ‘sink,’ or absorber of carbon dioxide. That makes fish an important component of the carbon cycle, researchers say, … Read more

Constipated lizard found with poop making up 80 PERCENT of its body mass thanks to its greasy diet 

Bloated and constipated lizard that lived near a pizza shop is found with poop making up 80 PERCENT of its body mass thanks to its greasy diet A lizard with a belly the size of a golf ball was discovered in Florida It was eating insects covered in grease soaked sand near a pizza parlor … Read more