Black and Asian people may be more likely to die of Covid-19 because of POLLUTION

Black and Asian people may be more likely to die of Covid-19 in England and Wales because many of them live in polluted areas, according to an official report. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) today said it found a seven per cent increase in the risk of dying of coronavirus in England’s most polluted … Read more

Air pollution cuts down life expectancy by two years, despite global efforts to improve air quality

Air pollution continues to cut global life expectancy, despite efforts worldwide to improve air quality. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 4.2 million people die every year due to outdoor air pollution, making it a bigger threat to human health than cigarette smoking, AIDS and tuberculosis.    Particulate matter is a mixture of solid and liquid … Read more

A third of microplastic pollution in the oceans come from fibres shed by synthetic fabrics

Clothing is more prone to shredding microscopic plastic fibres into our waterways if it has been manufactured using scissors, a new study reveals.   In experiments, scissor-cut textiles shed up to 31 times more micro-fibres than laser-cut textiles, Swiss researchers found.  When clothes are washed, or items are discarded as litter, tiny fibres are released and … Read more

Disposable face masks ‘are the latest menace’ in the fight against plastic pollution

Disposable masks are the ‘latest menace’ in the fight against plastic pollution, campaigners warn.  Environmental charity Greenpeace is urging people to opt for reusable masks rather than throwaway items of PPE, as face coverings become mandatory in shops in England today. Plastic poses a huge danger to wildlife and nature, clogging up habitats and often … Read more

Highways England ‘ineffectively’ spent half of a £75m fund to cut motorway pollution

A £75million fund made available to Highways England to cut pollution on the nation’s motorways over the previous five years was only half spent – and the Government-owned company failed to identify any ‘effective solutions’ despite the sizable financial outlay, according to an official review. Some £38.7million has been squandered on a trial of pollution … Read more

Light pollution interrupts the sleeping patterns of magpies and pigeons, study finds

City-dwellers are urged to switch off their garden lamps at night as light pollution interrupts the sleeping patterns of magpies and pigeons Lost sleep can impact a bird’s ability to forage, defend itself and find a mate Experts from Australia measured brain activity in sleeping magpies and pigeons They found light disrupted the animals’ sleep — with pigeons … Read more

Eating oily fish may protect the brain against the toxic damage of air pollution, study suggests

Eating oily fish — such as salmon, sardines and mackerel — may help to protect the brain against the toxic damage of air pollution, a study has suggested. Experts from the US studied the diet, pollution exposure and brain volumes of 1,315 senior women to see if omega-3 fatty acids might shield against air pollution. The … Read more

Air pollution is at 30% of pre-lockdown levels in London and major UK cities

Free-flowing traffic is making it easier to breathe: Air pollution is at 30% of pre-lockdown levels in London and major UK cities because vehicles are spending less time stuck in queues Analysis of more than 100 roadside sits found nitrogen dioxide levels were down This is despite the return of near-normal traffic levels after easing … Read more

Microplastic pollution found in Antarctica for the first time

Microplastic pollution has been found in the digestive tract of one of the most isolated animals on Earth – the earwig-like Antarctican springtail Scientists tested springtails clinging to polystyrene found on an Antarctic beach This revealed they had ingested microplastics from the man-made waste Study reveals first time microplastics have been found in Antarctic food … Read more

Children who live in cities plagued by air pollution and poor infrastructure more likely to be obese

Children who live in cities plagued by air pollution and ‘unwalkable’ infrastructure are more likely to suffer from obesity, study shows High levels of nitrogen dioxide and pollutants from cars was linked to weight As many as 1,300 children from six countries, including the UK, were studied Childhood obesity has surged to almost a third … Read more