Meet Richard Garriott, the first person to visit space, both poles and the Mariana Trench

In April, Richard Garriott will become the new president of The Explorers Club, an organisation you can’t join by going on holidays booked by travel agents – you need to show you’ve been on proper expeditions, bringing new knowledge and findings about the world (or space) to the table. Mr Garriott’s credentials in this regard … Read more

Poles and Romanians make up more than a third of the 5million EU nationals wanting to stay in the UK

Poles and Romanians make up more than a third of the 5million people who have applied to live and work in the UK under EU settlement scheme, Home Office figures show Europeans have until June to apply to carry on living and working in the UK  Figures show Polish and Romanian nationals have made the … Read more

Neanderthals may have been wiped out by reversal of magnetic poles

A reversal of the magnetic poles 42,000 years ago triggered catastrophic climate change and may have wiped out Neanderthals, a new study shows. Australian researchers have analysed the radiocarbon record from ancient trees in New Zealand that were alive when the magnetic poles flipped. The trees revealed spikes in atmospheric radiocarbon levels, caused by the collapse … Read more

Britain’s ‘dullest men’ who love telegraph poles and cacti leave This Morning viewers in stitches

Britain’s ‘dullest men’ who love telegraph poles and cacti leave This Morning viewers in stitches by insisting their hobbies are no different to a ‘footballer collecting Maseratis’ Martin Evans and Steve Reszetiak are part of Dull Men’s Club calendar for 2021 Appeared on This Morning today where they opened up about their hobbies  Steve enjoys keeping … Read more

Nature: Snakes use their bodies as LASSOS to climb poles and reach the nests of endangered birds

A never-before-seen form of snake locomotion — in which serpents use their bodies like a lasso’s noose to climb wide poles — has been discovered by experts in Guam. US experts were trying to design snake-proof poles on which nesting boxes for Micronesia starlings could be placed without fear their eggs would be eaten. However, … Read more

Dust deposited 3-5 million years ago confirms climate change is pushing westerly winds to the poles

Dust left deep beneath the oceans three to five million years ago has confirmed that climate change is pushing westerly winds towards the poles, say scientists.  The winds, commonly known as the westerlies, play an important role in shaping the world’s weather by influencing rainfall, ocean currents and tropical cyclone paths. They typically blow from … Read more

Marine species are edging closer to Earth’s poles at an average pace of 3.7 miles per year

Marine species are edging closer to Earth’s poles at an average pace of 3.7 miles per year as climate change causes global ocean temperatures to rise Experts reviewed 258 studies into shifting habitat ranges with climate change They used this to make a database, BioShifts, that covers some 12,000 species Marine species are moving poleward six times faster … Read more

Explorer Mark Wood shares incredible photos from his trips to Everest and the Poles

As workplace views go, these take some beating.  Army officer and firefighter-turned-explorer Mark Wood has shared a collection of incredible images from his extreme expeditions.  The 53-year-old from Coventry has made navigating some of the world’s most remote areas his full-time job and the icy regions are his favourite spots.  The photographs, which feature in … Read more