Alexei Navalny back up and walking after treatment for nerve agent poisoning at Berlin hospital

Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is back up and walking after treatment for novichok nerve agent poisoning at Berlin hospital Vladimir Putin’s political opponent shared a photo walking down hospital stairs  He can now breathe independently after being taken off a ventilator this week  Navalny gave an update on his recovery: ‘This is a clear … Read more

Mother-of-three who died from alcohol poisoning found on the loo with empty wine bottle at Pontin’s

Mother-of-three, 33, found on the loo beside empty bottle of wine in Pontin’s chalet had died of alcohol poisoning – hours after police were called out due to her drinking  Police called to chalet of Gwynedd mother-of-three thought to be drunk just hours before she died of alcohol abuse  Sioned Catherine Evans, 33, found with four … Read more

Novichok poisoning: Alexei Navalny comes OUT of induced coma

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been taken out of an induced coma and is responsive.  Navalny, a fierce, high-profile critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was flown to Germany on August 22, two days after falling ill on a domestic flight in Russia.  German chemical weapons experts say tests show that the 44-year-old Navalny … Read more

Germany warns Vladimir Putin it could halt gas pipeline project over Alexei Navalny poisoning

Germany has warned Russia that it could halt a gas pipeline project over the poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Mr Navalny, an opponent of Vladimir Putin, is in a coma in a Berlin hospital after falling ill on a flight in Siberia. Tests showed he was poisoned with novichok – the nerve agent used … Read more

Alexei Navalny poisoning ‘strengthens Russia’ says Novichok survivor

Novichok survivor Charlie Rowley says the latest poisoning has given ‘Russia strength to carry on and get away with it’. Charlie, 47, spent weeks in hospital and still suffers with the effects of his contact with the deadly substance. His partner Dawn Sturgess died after being exposed to the nerve agent in July 2018 following … Read more

Belarus leader claims Alexei Navalny’s poisoning was FAKED

Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko has claimed that his security forces had intercepted German calls showing that Kremlin foe Alexei Navalny’s poisoning had been faked. Lukashenko told visiting Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Minsk on Thursday that the call between Berlin and Warsaw showed that the incident was a ‘falsification’. ‘There was no poisoning of … Read more

Western fury grows over Alexei Navalny Novichok poisoning

The West is demanding answers from Moscow today after the ‘despicable and cowardly’ nerve agent attack on Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.  Britain said the Kremlin ‘has a clear case to answer’ while NATO demanded a ‘full and transparent’ investigation after a German military lab found that Navalny was poisoned with Novichok, the Soviet-era weapon used … Read more

The thorny perils of gardening: A pricked thumb, rashes… and even poisoning!

A thorn in the finger is an everyday injury for most gardeners — and for tree surgeon Lindsay MacPherson it’s more routine than most.  So when he snagged his finger on a blackthorn tree he was chopping, he naturally thought little of it. But that little thorn caused an infection that left him in hospital … Read more

Boris Johnson demands investigation into alleged poisoning of Alexei Navalny

Boris Johnson demands ‘full, transparent investigation’ into alleged poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny after Kremlin rejects ’empty noise’ claims it is to blame Russian opposition leader currently in a coma in Berlin hospital after falling ill Doctors found evidence he was poisoned and allies have blamed the Kremlin The Kremlin has dismissed the … Read more

Kremlin dismisses claims that Putin was behind Alexei Navalny’s ‘poisoning’

Russia today rejected claims that the Kremlin was behind the poisoning of Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny, who is in a coma at a German hospital.  Navalny’s friends have pointed the finger at Putin after the opposition leader fell ill on a flight in Siberia and was airlifted to Berlin in a critical condition.  Kremlin … Read more