Chrissy Teigen and John Legend return home after campaigning for Joe Biden in Philadelphia

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend return to Los Angeles with kids in tow after campaigning for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia By Dan Heching For Published: 05:22 GMT, 4 November 2020 | Updated: 05:23 GMT, 4 November 2020 They appeared onstage with vice presidential hopeful Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania on Monday night, … Read more

Twitter and Facebook censor Trump by slapping warnings on his posts on election eve

Twitter and Facebook censor Trump by slapping warnings on his posts about ‘dangerous’ Supreme Court decision to allow late mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania which he says will cause ‘violence on the streets’ Both Twitter and Facebook flagged Trump’s posts about Pennsylvania mail-in voting on Monday night The President called it ‘dangerous’ that mail-in voting was … Read more

Trump says decision on Pennsylvania ballots will ‘lead to violence’

President Donald Trump issued a dark election eve prediction about a Supreme Court ruling that could cost him votes in Pennsylvania – claiming it will lead to ‘violence in the streets.’ The president made the claim in a tweet Monday, just hours before the first in-person election day votes were to be cast, after suffering … Read more

John Legend takes aim at fellow music artists supporting Trump in passionate speech at Biden rally

John Legend takes aim at fellow music artists supporting Trump in passionate viral speech at Biden rally: ‘Some of your, former, favorite rappers have been taken in by these lies’ By Dan Heching For Published: 07:05 GMT, 3 November 2020 | Updated: 07:05 GMT, 3 November 2020 He was joined by his wife on … Read more

US Election 2020: What are Donald Trump’s chances of winning again?

Will the Teflon Donald come up Trumps again? He saw off Hillary Clinton – and an impeachment… So, as the US goes to polls, and the world holds its breath, we analyse the race for the White House By Daniel Bates For The Daily Mail Published: 22:15 GMT, 2 November 2020 | Updated: 06:58 GMT, … Read more

Pollster who predicted 2016 result gives Trump lead in swing states

As most major national polls show Joe Biden with a commanding lead over Donald Trump going into Election Day, a small group of pollsters have cautioned that ‘shy’ Trump voters could pave the president’s way to victory.    Among those suggesting that the Trump’s prospects are being understated is Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group, one … Read more

US Election 20202: Can Donald Trump win again?

Will the Teflon Donald come up Trumps again? He saw off Hillary Clinton – and an impeachment… So, as the US goes to polls, and the world holds its breath, we analyse the race for the White House By Daniel Bates For The Daily Mail Published: 22:15 GMT, 2 November 2020 | Updated: 23:31 GMT, … Read more

US Election 2020 Poll: Joe Biden leads in PA and FL but TX is TIED

Joe Biden is leading outside the margin of error in several key battleground states in a poll released the day before Election Day, giving him enough of a lead to take the White House. Even deep red Texas appears to be up-in-the air with a tie between the Democratic nominee and President Donald Trump. Florida, … Read more

Donald Trump to send lawyers to Pennsylvania as soon as voting stops

President Donald Trump denied a report that he will prematurely declare himself the winner of the 2020 presidential election on Tuesday night if it appears he is ‘ahead’ of Joe Biden, even if a ton of Electoral College votes are still unknown. ‘No, no that was a false report,’ he told reporters after he landed in North … Read more

Trump starts two-day, seven-state, 10-rally pre-election campaign

President Donald Trump on Sunday bragged ‘the radical left is going down’ and touted his ‘very good’ poll numbers as he kicked off a two-day, seven state, 10 rally campaign swing in the final 24 hours of the presidential race. Trump started his day with a series of positive sounding tweets as he fights for a second … Read more