Government advice on PPE was ‘confusing’ and ‘not visible’ during the peak of UK’s crisis

Public Health England (PHE) had to be pushed into making its coronavirus guidance clearer following the death of a vulnerable Brit who was visited by carers who were not wearing PPE. Official guidance about when to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) were ‘confusing’ and ‘not visible’ during the peak of the UK’s outbreak, investigators say. … Read more

Daredevil ex-Royal Marine leaps off 4,00ft peak of Scotland’s An Teallach mountain

On a wing and a prayer: Daredevil ex-Royal Marine leaps off 4,00ft peak of Scotland’s An Teallach to become first person to fly a wingsuit from top of UK mountain Tim Howell, 31, from Somerset, was the first person to successfully fly with a wingsuit from a UK mountain Mr Howell climbed to the nearly … Read more

Hospital coronavirus admissions were over-reported at peak of pandemic

The figures of those admitted to hospital for coronavirus during the peak of the pandemic were over-reported, it was revealed last night. People who were suffering from other illnesses were included in data collected to monitor the virus outbreak, according to the Daily Telegraph. The Government’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) found that patients … Read more

Two thirds of NHS staff ‘lost their sense of taste or smell during coronavirus peak’

Two thirds of staff at one NHS hospital trust lost their sense of taste or smell during the peak of the coronavirus epidemic, study shows Almost two-thirds of staff said they suffered a loss or taste or smell in April  However that wasn’t an official Covid-19 symptom so they couldn’t get tested  Comes after nine … Read more

Want a last-minute staycation? Try a youth hostel in the Peak District, known as the English Alps

Here’s a useful little secret for you: Britain’s youth hostels are open for business. They’re cheap, located in beautiful areas and have taken Covid precautions. And best of all, they have vacancies. I stumbled across this information two weeks back. After foreign holidays hit the wall and every B&B in Britain sold out a few … Read more

One care home resident died every minute during peak of the Covid-19 crisis

A care home resident was dying every minute in England and Wales at the peak of the coronavirus crisis in mid-April, shocking data shows. Office for National Statistics figures released today revealed 1,300 care home residents passed away on April 12, the darkest day in the pandemic for the sector.  That’s almost one death every … Read more

Luxury £250,000 Ferrari supercar flips over onto its roof in Peak District crash on wet A-road

Luxury £250,000 Ferrari supercar flips over onto its roof in Peak District crash on wet A-road Accident happened in the Peak District on Sunday after heavy rainfall Was one of a series of smashes over the weekend blamed on the weather The Ferrari is favoured by a number of celebrities including Jamiroquai’s Jay Kay  By … Read more

Are doctors better at treating Covid-19? Uk’s death rate has FALLEN to a quarter of peak level

The risk of dying from coronavirus after being hospitalised has plummeted since the peak of the outbreak, suggesting doctors are getting better at treating it. Analysis by Oxford University shows that 6 per cent of people admitted to hospitals in England with the virus died at the beginning of April. But the figures show by June 15, … Read more

Scientist published a paper in 2010 predicting economic and social turmoil would peak in 2020

This year’s events may be a surprise to many Americans, but one scientist predicted predicted the current political, economic and social instability a decade ago. Peter Turchin, a researcher at the University of Connecticut, published a paper in 2010 forecasting that these instabilities would peak around the year 2020. He highlights a rise in public … Read more