Coronavirus vaccine UK: Pensioners and vulnerable patients queue for more than two hours

The elderly and vulnerable have queued for more than two hours in the cold for a coronavirus jab at a Birmingham GP hub, according to the mother of an extremely vulnerable teenager.  Nicola Leadbetter was greeted by a substantial queue outside a surgery in Yardley when she arrived for her teenage daughter Victoria’s 10.10am vaccination … Read more

Nearly two-thirds of COVID hospitalized patients still suffering fatigue and weakness 6 MONTHS later

More than 75 percent of coronavirus patients have at least one symptom six months after becoming ill, a new study suggests. Researchers found that the most common symptom of coronavirus patients was fatigue and muscle weakness, reported in at least two-thirds of patients. Additionally, of about 400 patients tested for lung function, more than half … Read more

Elderly patients left queuing around the block in freezing cold

Elderly patients left queuing around the block in freezing cold to receive Covid jabs at south London GP surgery Elderly patients left queuing outside in hats and scarves in the freezing cold Hundreds were waiting outside The Jenner Practice in Forest Hill, south London Maria Demetrious filmed the queue winding around several corners to the clinic … Read more

Younger patients prioritised in overwhelmed London hospitals as care resources are rationed

Younger patients are being prioritised in overwhelmed London hospitals as the capital rations intensive care resources, say doctors Overwhelmed doctors in the capital have started triaging their Covid patients Shortage of beds means younger patients will be prioritised with critical care The elderly will be moved to general wards under the emergency guidelines  By Eleanor … Read more

Patients no longer need to be monitored for 15 minutes after receiving the Oxford jab, says NHS 

Patients no longer need to be monitored for 15 minutes after receiving the Oxford jab, says NHS The 15-minute wait policy was introduced last month in case of allergic reaction Experts have put the likelihood of that happening at about one in a million Critics feared the advice could increase the chances of someone catching Covid … Read more

London’s hospitals will be overwhelmed by Covid patients in TWO weeks, stark NHS briefing warns 

London’s hospitals will be overwhelmed by Covid patients in TWO weeks in a BEST CASE scenario with 2,000 beds needed even after Nightingale is opened, stark NHS briefing warns London hospitals will be overwhelmed in less than two weeks, report warns  Medical director at NHS England London provided the worrying analysis Even if the number … Read more

Sense of smell did not return to a quarter of Covid patients after 2 months

Nearly a quarter of patients who suffered loss of smell from coronavirus did not see it return two months later, new study found Researchers looked at data from of 2,581 patients from 18 European hospitals  Reveals 24.1% did not regain their smell and taste within 60 days of infection  But the senses did come back to … Read more

Many patients with long Covid have been unable to return properly to work six months after infection

Almost half of patients suffering from ‘long Covid’ may be left unable to fully return to work six months after their infection, a study suggests. Victims were most likely to still be plagued with fatigue, ‘brain fog’ or feeling unwell after attempting minor physical exercise. Long Covid strikes one in ten under-50s who are infected … Read more

Long Covid patients are told to exercise despite crippling fatigue

Professor Brendan Delaney developed a mild case of Covid just before the first lockdown in March, suffering the now- familiar symptoms of a cough, temperature and headache. Feeling tired and achy, the 57-year-old London GP self-isolated for two weeks, by which time he had recovered enough to return to work. But a week later, he … Read more

Nightingale hospitals in London and across England are ‘reactivated and ready to admit patients’

Nightingale hospitals in London and across England have been ‘reactivated’ to be ready to admit patients as the capital’s NHS facilities struggle under the pressure of a new wave of coronavirus cases.  The Excel centre site has been readied after laying deserted for months as Britain yesterday recorded 981 Covid deaths in the deadliest day … Read more