Mystery of Weston-super-Mare’s Covid-19 outbreak: Officials investigating spike in cases

The cause of a Covid-19 outbreak in Weston-super-Mare which forced health chiefs to shut the only hospital remains a mystery. But furious residents say it could be due to tourists flocking to the beach to enjoy the sunny weather – and scientists agree. Infectious disease experts also say the spike in coronavirus cases could be … Read more

Chinese foreign minister warns U.S. officials are pushing relations to ‘the brink of a new Cold War’

Chinese foreign minister warns Washington that it’s pushing relations to ‘the brink of a new Cold War’ China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday rejected Washington’s ‘lies’ over the coronavirus ‘It has come to our attention that some political forces in the US are taking China-US relations hostage,’ Wang told reporters during a press conference … Read more

Ex-Green Beret and son are arrested by US officials for helping Ghosn

U.S. authorities have arrested a former Special Forces soldier and another man wanted by Japan on charges that they enabled the escape of former Nissan Motor Co boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country. Federal prosecutors in Massachusetts said that former U.S. Green Beret Michael Taylor and his son, Peter Taylor, helped Ghosn last year … Read more

Losing your sense of smell or taste IS a symptom of coronavirus, UK officials admit

Losing your sense of smell or taste IS a symptom of coronavirus, UK officials finally admit as they urge Brits to self-isolate if it happens to them The three official symptoms are now fever, new cough, or lost sense of smell  If you get one of these you should self-isolate at home for at least … Read more

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron’s WhatsApp messages on quarantine-free travel blindsided officials

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron spent a weekend exchanging WhatsApp messages about quarantine-free travel between Britain and France – blindsiding officials on both sides of the Channel Boris Johnson uses WhatsApp to regularly converse with Emmanuel Macron  The two world leaders were in touch throughout last weekend on messaging app PM announced travellers from France would … Read more

Five million antibody kits are on standby for the NHS after a SECOND test was approved by officials

Five million antibody kits are on standby for the NHS after a SECOND test that shows if you’ve had coronavirus was approved by officials The new test produced by Abbott has been approved by Public Health England It is the second test to be ratified in two days after one by Roche Diagnostics The Department … Read more

Joe Biden was among top officials who were sent Mike Flynn’s name after it was ‘unmasked’

Joe Biden is named in list of Obama officials who got intelligence reports that ‘unmasked’ Mike Flynn in last days of administration Acting DNI Ric Grenell ordered the information declassified this month  Biden as among a group of officials who got unmasking information on Flynn in the final days of the Obama administration Flynn’s contacts … Read more

Officials put entire Long Island town on a diet to lower coronavirus risks driven by obesity

Health officials are putting an entire Long Island town on a diet to drive down rising obesity rates amid the coronavirus pandemic. With many of us stuck in our homes – ordering take-out and stress eating – a weight gain phenomenon has emerged nicknamed the ‘Quarantine 15.’ Now, doctors and fitness instructors in Huntington, which … Read more

Government officials spray a Spanish beach with BLEACH to protect locals from coronavirus 

Spanish town sprays BLEACH over beach to prevent spread of coronavirus – but experts say it will have deadly consequences for local wildlife  Officials in Zahara de los Atunes sprayed the local beach with bleach They said it was in hopes of protecting locals from COVID-19 as residents begin to emerge again after six weeks of … Read more

Italian prosecutors are considering criminal trials for health officials

Italian prosecutors are considering criminal trials for health officials after grieving relatives of coronavirus victims demanded justice for their negligence 45,000 joined NOI Denunceremo Facebook group to gather their testimonies The group was created by Luca Fusco whose father died from coronavirus The aim isn’t to target health workers but leaders who underestimated the virus  Here’s … Read more