Coronavirus UK: Government specifies who ‘key workers’ are

Confusion over who qualifies as a key worker whose children can stay in school during the coronavirus crisis intensified last night as the government published a list of jobs ranging from doctors to sewerage workers – but then told them to ask their bosses if they were indispensable. Less than 12 hours before schools close … Read more

How Boris Johnson’s government changed its tune on coronavirus testing

Boris Johnson has pledged to urgently increase coronavirus testing despite saying less than three weeks ago that the NHS was ‘well-prepared’ for an outbreak. The Prime Minister told reporters in London yesterday that a ‘game-changing’ new test will be offered to hundreds of thousands of people as soon as possible. He added at Downing Street … Read more

Key workers list revealed as government announces whose children can stay in school

Confusion over who qualifies as a key worker whose children can stay in school during the coronavirus crisis intensified last night as the government published a list of jobs ranging from doctors to sewerage workers – but then told them to ask their bosses if they were indispensable. Less than 12 hours before schools close … Read more

Only ONE NHS trust hit A&E target to see 95% within four hours

Only one hospital trust in England treated its A&E patients within the NHS time target last year, MailOnline can reveal. Yeovil District Hospital was the only place that managed to process 95 per cent of its patients within four hours of their arrival. Its average for the year was 96.3 per cent. Statistics analysed by this … Read more

Boris Johnson urges up to 65,000 former medics to come out of retirement to help fight coronavirus

Your NHS needs YOU! Boris Johnson urges up to 65,000 former medics to come out of retirement to help fight coronavirus Ex-doctors and nurses are being urged by ministers to help tackle coronavirus Emails will echo Lord Kitchener’s Your Country Needs You recruitment poster Staff will complete brief online survey and be allowed to re-register … Read more

National drive to recruit army of 65,000 former doctors and nurses launched

More than 65,000 former nurses and doctors will be told ‘Your NHS Needs You’ as a national recruitment drive is launched in an effort to defeat the coronavirus outbreak. The drive comes as Boris Johnson took time to thank you to ‘everyone working in our NHS’. In a tweet the prime minister told NHS staff of … Read more

British broadband and mobile internet providers see a surge in data usage

Mobile networks and internet providers in the UK are being urged to relax their data limitations as millions of Britons work from home amid the coronavirus pandemic.  Network providers are currently offering customers increased data and unlimited access to NHS sites during this period of mass self-isolation.   The coronavirus pandemic has shut down much of the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson says 12 weeks to ‘turn the tide’

What could happen in a London lockdown?  LIKELY RESTRICTIONS  Tougher advice on ‘social distancing’, urging everyone to stay at home unless absolutely essential;  Asking shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars to close to minimise the risk of people gathering; Scaling back transport services while leaving enough capacity for unavoidable journeys and key workers to reach … Read more

The NHS is working on a coronavirus ‘tracking app’

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

NHS delays annual cyber security checks due to coronavirus chaos 

NHS left vulnerable to hackers as its annual cyber security checks on systems across hospitals are delayed due to coronavirus chaos Digital transformation group NHSX announced the six month delay in checks Each NHS Trust and group has to return the annual cyber security checklists They are designed to ensure systems are not being left vulnerable … Read more