Krakatoa volcano erupts ‘spewing plumes of ash several kilometres into the air’

Krakatoa volcano erupts ‘spewing plumes of ash several kilometres into the air’ – as people hear a loud boom 150km away in Jakarta The Krakatoa volcano has reportedly erupted in Indonesia    Satellite imagery captured plumes of ash shooting 15km into the sky The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa killed more than 36,000 people By Daily Mail … Read more

Twins both working at Britain’s miracle hospital NHS Nightingale

Their careers have taken them in very different directions, but twin brothers Lieutenant Colonel Phill Moxey and NHS surgeon Paul Moxey have now joined forces in the fight against coronavirus.  In a huge coincidence, the two are on a joint mission to save lives at the new NHS Nightingale hospital in London.  Lt Col Moxey … Read more

50 years ago the crew of Apollo 13 got home in a way more incredible than Hollywood imagined

The test was a routine one, on what should have been a routine mission. But after astronauts on Apollo 13 discovered a leak in their oxygen tank, a crippled spacecraft’s desperate four-day voyage home transfixed the world.  Fifty years ago today, three astronauts took off from Florida’s Kennedy Space Centre on what seemed by then … Read more

Think your lockdown’s a handful? Spare a thought for the nation’s puppy breeders

Think your lockdown’s a handful? Spare a thought for the nation’s puppy breeders – and one family who have 12 six-week-old pups living in their kitchen!  Mrs Cousins-Brown, a Kennel Club breeder, has 12 six-week-old briard pups All the puppies are reserved and were due to be picked up by their new owners  The coronavirus … Read more

One in six Britons are at risk of losing their jobs because of coronavirus, new report claims

One in six Britons are at risk of losing their jobs because of coronavirus, new report claims Report by New Economics Foundation said 5.6million workers could be jobless Government introduced scheme worth £330billion to support furloughed staff  Around 1.6million workers work in industries which have already been closed  Learn more about how to help people … Read more

‘Now’s the time to revolt’: Row as vicars threaten to defy Justin Welby’s orders to shut over Easter

Church of England vicars have threatened to defy the Archbishop of Canterbury’s orders to shut over Easter – claiming ‘now is the time to revolt’. Guidance issued by Justin Welby warned the clergy not to enter churches to film services or for solo prayer. Mr Welby prerecorded his Easter services from his kitchen, while other … Read more

Vet’s urgent warning as scientists research coronavirus link to animals

A vet has issued an urgent warning to pet owners as researchers look into the link between domestic animals and coronavirus.   Dr Anne Fawcett, from the University of Sydney’s School of Veterinary Science, said common sense should be used after two cats and two dogs tested positive for COVID-19. ‘Out of an abundance of caution, … Read more

It’s easy to feel imprisoned under lockdown, so thank goodness for non-fiction books

With so many of us now prisoners in our own homes, trapped inside the same four walls and sick of the same old view from the same old windows, it’s tempting to brood about everything we’re missing. Other people, obviously: not just friends and family but colleagues, acquaintances, even strangers. Other places: long country walks … Read more

US becomes first country to mark 2,000 deaths in 24 hours as infections top HALF A MILLION

The US has recorded the deadliest day from the coronavirus pandemic any country has so far seen, as it becomes the first country to mark more than 2,000 deaths in 24 hours and its number of infections topped half a million. Stark figures show that 2,028 Americans died from coronavirus in a single day on … Read more

PAUL THOMAS on… coronavirus cops making big waves on the beach

PAUL THOMAS on… coronavirus cops making big waves on the beach By Paul Thomas For Daily Mail Published: 01:44 BST, 11 April 2020 | Updated: 01:53 BST, 11 April 2020 Advertisement To order a print of this Paul Thomas cartoon or one by Pugh, visit or call 0191 6030 178.  Share or comment on … Read more