Tory MPs fear ‘growing cracks’ between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak after China and US negotiations

Tory MPs have expressed concern about ‘growing cracks’ between Boris Johnson and his Chancellor Rishi Sunak, as Cabinet splits widen over post-Brexit economic policy and the UK’s tense relationship with China. Differences between the two most powerful members of the Government came to a head last week in meetings about the security threat posed by … Read more

Head of UK’s Covid-19 test and trace scheme Baroness Dido Harding faces grilling by MPs

The chief of the NHS’s coronavirus test and trace scheme came under fire from MPs today for refusing to give any data about how the system is working.  Dido Harding, the chair of NHS Improvement, was slammed by former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt when she couldn’t say how many Covid-19 tests are being completed within … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: MPs ‘herded like cows’ as Parliament returns

More than half a mile the line snaked back through the Parliamentary Estate. From the Commons chamber it began, out through the cavernous environs of Westminster Hall before spilling out into New Palace Yard. For three months, the whole of this area had been totally deserted bar the odd armed policeman. Now, at 4pm on … Read more

MPs’ fury as betting giant dodges £3.5million fine for death of addict

Furious MPs have lambasted gambling giant Playtech for using a ‘blatant’ legal loophole to dodge a £3.5million fine for their role in the suicide of a young addict. Chris Bruney, 25, took his own life hours after being plied with £400 of bonuses by staff at online casino, owned by Playtech. The successful electrical … Read more

Seven former Tory ministers join group of MPs urging the PM to rethink travel quarantine plan

MPs’ quarantine rebellion: Team of Tory politicians including seven former ministers are urging the Government to scrap plan to order all arrivals into UK to self-isolate for 14 days New border regime will force travellers to self-isolate for two weeks on arrival   Group of 40 MPs revolted against the plans and called for PM to … Read more

Boris Johnson faces a grilling from senior MPs today with Covid questions squeezed into 20 mins

Boris Johnson will today face a 90-minute grilling from the Commons Liaison Committee over his handling of the coronavirus crisis and his top aide’s decision to travel during lockdown.  Questions on Dominic Cummings’ trip from London to Durham, along with three other coronavirus topics, will be crammed into a 20-minute slot after intervention from Committee … Read more

MPs demand Chancellor take action to save cash system from collapse

MPs demand Chancellor take urgent action to save UK’s cash system from collapse By Miles Dilworth For The Daily Mail Published: 22:00 BST, 26 May 2020 | Updated: 23:04 BST, 26 May 2020 MPs have written to the Chancellor demanding urgent action to save the UK’s cash system from collapse in light of the coronavirus … Read more

‘Domnishambles’: Tory MPs continue piling pressure on Downing Street to sack Dominic Cummings

Rebellious Conservative MPs are piling pressure on Downing Street to remove Dominic Cummings – after the controversial press conference over his 260-mile trip to Durham.  Mr Cummings, 48, faced an hour-long live television grilling tonight where he attempted to mount a defence of his decision to drive from London to County Durham with his son and Covid-carrying wife.   … Read more

Dominic Cummings on the brink: Under-fire aide arrives at No10 as NINE Tory MPs call for resignation

Boris Johnson’s top aide Dominic Cummings was in Downing Street this afternoon, fuelling speculation he is about to quit over apparent breaches of the coronavirus travel lockdown – as nine Tory backbenchers demanded his head. He arrived in Westminster this lunchtime as the first cracks in Tory unity appeared over revelations he twice travelled 270 miles … Read more

Now Tory MPs demand the head of Dominic Cummings: Top Brexiteer Steve Baker leads backbench anger

Boris Johnson has told to sack top aide Dominic Cummings today by his own MPs for breaking the coronavirus travel lockdown as the first cracks in party unity appeared. Steve Baker, a former Brexit minister and a senior hardline Brexiteer like Mr Cummings, broke cover to demand the advisor be removed, demanding the Prime Minister … Read more