Let all banks share abandoned high street branches, says Ceeney

Natalie Ceeney, the country’s leading authority on the damage done to communities when banks and cash machines close, says the Government and regulator have just ‘months left’ to introduce rules that will safeguard nationwide access to cash. Failure to act swiftly, she says, will leave hundreds of communities up and down the country facing an … Read more

Tory and Labour peers put forward plan to fix Child Trust Fund lockout

An industry-devised workaround to allow the parents of disabled children access to otherwise-locked Child Trust Fund and Junior Isa savings without having to go to court could be given legal backing under proposals put forward by peers. Former Tory cabinet minister Lord Young and Labour’s Lord Blunkett have proposed an amendment to the Financial Services … Read more

Maximise your £20,000 Isa allowance by ditching the big banks

Don’t forget your new £20,000 Isa allowance: Looking beyond the big banks could boost returns eightfold The new tax year means a new allowance which can be spread across 4 accounts Savers can currently save £250,000 without paying tax on interest due to rates However rates could rise and Isas remain important for preserving your … Read more

Yorkshire BS boss Mark Regnier nets £226,000 bonus

The chairman of a parliamentary group that normally waves the flag for financial mutuals has criticised building societies for awarding chief executives five or six-figure bonuses last year while the country was in lockdown.  Exclusive research by The Mail on Sunday shows that 23 building society bosses received bonuses last year, ranging from £3,000 to … Read more

Would you spy on granny’s financial transactions? Debit card launched to prevent financial abuse

A new financial services company has launched a debit card that allows families, friends and carers to manage an elderly person’s financial affairs through a virtual or physical debit card. The co-founder of GuardianCard, Nick Thompson, says the business and card were created to prevent the elderly being subjected to theft and other types of … Read more

Best inflation-beating savings rates: Make your money work harder

The truth is, there’s no such thing as a single rate of inflation. Everyone will have their own because everyone in the country buys different goods and services from different shops and sellers. The changing price of dog food, for example, is not going to be relevant to someone who does not have a four-legged … Read more