Nine Eritrean migrants found inside shipping container from Zeebrugge 

Nine Eritrean migrants including three women are found hidden inside shipping container when it arrived in Yorkshire Tees Harbour Police and Border Force intercepted container in Teesport, Yorks Six men and three woman claiming to be Eritrean nationals were found inside The migrants had come in onboard a ship from Zeebrugge in Belgium They are being processed … Read more

Border Force detain 36 migrants trying to cross the Channel

Border Force detain 36 migrants trying to cross the Channel bringing the total this year to more than 200 after 8,417 arrived in 2020 Home Office spokesman said migrants were stopped on Saturday A further 27 migrants were stopped by French authorities before reaching UK Nigel Farage posted a video appearing to show migrants on … Read more

More than 15,000 migrants tried to sneak into Britain last year, new figures show 

More than 15,000 migrants tried to cross the Channel and sneak into Britain last year, new figures show Report says Channel crossings grew as clandestine smuggling in lorries declined Figures show 8,500 reached the UK in 2020 and more than 15,000 tried to cross  The number of unsuccessful crossings had not previously been disclosed  By … Read more

Migrants will have to be able to speak Swedish to become citizens under country’s new proposals

Migrants will have to be able to speak Swedish to become citizens under country’s new proposals – after years of liberal migration policies Sweden opened its doors to refugees during the migrant crisis of 2015  There has since been a rise in far-right and gang violence in the liberal country The government is now setting … Read more

Migrants will have to be able to speak Swedish to become citizens under country’s new proposals

Migrants will have to be able to speak Swedish to become citizens under country’s new proposals – after years of liberal migration policies Sweden opened its doors to refugees during the migrant crisis of 2015  There has since been a rise in far-right and gang violence in the liberal country The government is now setting … Read more

Border Force sends out boat to stop more migrants coming across English Channel

Border Force has sent out a boat in a bid to stop more migrants coming across the English Channel after another 160 arrived over the weekend.    Calm winds at the coast saw several small boats make it into UK waters across the two days despite the cold weather. A number of children are believed to … Read more

Border Force stops boat in ferrying up to 35 migrants towards Sussex coast

Border Force has stopped a boat ferrying up to 35 migrants towards the Sussex coast, the second Channel dash made since the UK officially left the EU on New Year’s Day. Lifeboats were launched Saturday afternoon to rescue the migrants from a boat, which is believed to have been carrying children and five injured people. … Read more

Three migrants are rescued from a small boat while trying to cross the Channel on New Year’s Day

Three migrants have been rescued from a small boat while attempting to cross the freezing Channel to Britain on New Year’s day. The asylum seekers – one suffering from hypothermia – were rescued by a French customs ship and taken to coastal town Boulogne-sur-Mer. Their highly-dangerous failed crossing attempt came after Britain’s Brexit transition period ended at 11pm … Read more

Border Force rescue migrants making Channel crossing hours before Brexit transition period ends

Last ditch dash for Britain’s shores: Border Force catch migrants making desperate Channel crossing in freezing winds on day UK’s transition period ends Pictures show migrants being taken ashore in Dover after being intercepted The asylum seekers were spotted attempting to cross the Channel earlier today It comes as the Brexit transition period ends tonight, … Read more

Home Office admits it has ‘lost’ 37,000 migrants in Britain

Home Office admits it has ‘lost’ 37,000 migrants in Britain who have skipped their immigration bail conditions or fled from detention centres Official figures show the Home Office cannot trace thousands of people They have either skipped immigration bail conditions or fled from detention Campaigners seized on the data as proof Britain’s immigration system is … Read more