Young children and man in a wheelchair are among more Channel migrants arriving in Dover today

Around 30 migrants including young children and a man in a wheelchair crossed the Channel earlier today despite worsening weather including 30mph winds. No crossings had been expected today as conditions deteriorated following this week’s mini-heatwave which saw people smugglers taking advantage of the warm weather to traffick dozens of asylum seekers across from France. … Read more

Channel migrants led ashore at Dover overnight on hottest day so far

‘Pregnant woman’, small children and man in handcuffs are among 50 more Channel migrants led ashore at Dover today as people smugglers make the most of mini-heatwave Border Force intercepted 50 migrants attempting to cross Channel this morning Follows as many as 120 people arriving at the Port of Dover yesterday Balmy 24C temperatures appeared … Read more

Up to 60 Channel migrants landing at Dover today as people smugglers take advantage of balmy weather

As many as 60 migrants have already arrived on British shores today – ahead of a crackdown on borders by Home Secretary Priti Patel. People smugglers appear to be making the most of the hotter than usual weather conditions after Border Force vessels were seen bringing groups of mostly male migrants into the Port of Dover. … Read more

Channel crossings: Another 100 migrants set to arrive on UK shores today

Another 100 migrants are set to arrive on UK shores today on one of the busiest days of 2021 so far for small boat Channel crossings At least four small boats were intercepted by Border Force in the Channel today  Photographs also show men waving from the back of a bus near Dover, Kent  HMC … Read more

Turkish lorry driver arrested on M25 for people smuggling after 16 migrants found in back of lorry

Turkish lorry driver is arrested on M25 for people smuggling along with 16 migrants caught in back of his truck as he tried to sneak them OUT of UK The 36-year-old Turkish driver is being questioned by the National Crime Agency The 16 migrants were found in back of lorry during an ongoing NCA investigation … Read more

Border agents admit that since Biden the number of migrants has ‘gone from a trickle to a torrent’

It began with the flicker of a flashlight, muffled voices and the gentle splash of paddles carrying softly across the stillness of the Rio Grande Valley. As the silhouette drew closer to the shore we could suddenly see the bow of a small boat and the faces of women and children peering back at us … Read more

Migrants arrested trying to get into port of Liverpool in trucks amid fears of criminal gangs

Migrants are arrested trying to get into Liverpool hidden in trucks on ferries as pictures show drinks cans, bags and ear defenders left behind in one trailer Business owner says he believes criminal gangs are behind number of crossings Director of Coyne Transport says it has worsened since they began route from Santander in Spain … Read more

Migrants are arrested trying to get into port of Liverpool hidden in trucks

Migrants are arrested trying to get into port of Liverpool hidden in trucks as pictures show drinks cans, bags and ear defenders left behind in one trailer Business owner says he believes criminal gangs are behind number of crossings Director of Coyne Transport says it has worsened since they began route from Santander in Spain … Read more

Huge outdoor processing center is set up for migrants in Texas amid surge in border crossings

ICE officers have set up a new outdoor processing center in Texas as they struggle to deal with the soaring number of migrants crossing the southern border.  Photographs of the giant open-air facility – located in the Rio Grande Valley Center of the state – were obtained by Fox News on Saturday.  The shocking snaps … Read more