Is it just me? Or have fitness freaks killed park life? asks MELANIE McDONAGH 

Is it just me? Or have fitness freaks killed park life? asks MELANIE McDONAGH Melanie McDonagh who lives in London, says parks have become outdoor gyms She argues it’s bad manners to appropriate a park that belongs to everyone  She says if you want to do exercises, it should be done at home  By Melanie Mcdonagh … Read more

Is it just me? Or are you battling the coronastone too? asks MARION McGILVARY 

Is it just me? Or are you battling the coronastone too? asks MARION McGILVARY Marion McGilvary revealed the impact of being in self-isolation on her diet British writer admits to eating out of boredom in addition to stress-eating  She said before quarantine she was chubby, but now she is cheek-and-jowly fat By Marion Mcgilvary For The Daily … Read more