Coronavirus UK: Matt Hancock unlawfully failed to publish contract details

Matt Hancock unlawfully failed to publish details of billions of pounds’ worth of coronavirus-related contracts, the High Court has ruled.  The Good Law Project took legal action against the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) for its ‘wholesale failure’ to disclose details of contracts agreed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Government is required by … Read more

Covid England: Boris Johnson ‘wants schools reopened on 8 March’

Boris Johnson wants all primary and secondary school pupils to return to the classroom on March 8 but he is facing opposition from teaching unions and Matt Hancock, it was claimed today.  The Prime Minister has repeatedly said the Government will target March 8 to reopen schools across England.  But it is still unclear exactly … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘wants all school pupils back in class on March 8’

Boris Johnson wants all primary and secondary school pupils to return to the classroom on March 8 but he is facing opposition from teaching unions and Matt Hancock, it was claimed today.  The Prime Minister has repeatedly said the Government will target March 8 to reopen schools across England.  But it is still unclear exactly … Read more

Matt Hancock slaps down Tory demands to lift lockdown by end of April

Matt Hancock today slapped down Tory demands to lift all lockdown rules by the end of April as he warned ‘there is a long way to go’ before life can go back to normal.  The Health Secretary said that while coronavirus cases are now falling ‘sharply’ the number of people in hospital with the disease … Read more

Matt Hancock faces heat over delays to social care reform

Matt Hancock faces the heat over delays to social care reform as it emerges the plans will not be published for months He unveiled White Paper on greater integration of NHS and social care  Funding proposals – promised by PM more than 18 months ago – not included  Sir Andrew Dilnot said he was disappointed … Read more

Police told they can get a Covid-19 jab but must not wear their uniform at vaccination centres

Police officers are told they can get a Covid-19 jab but must not wear their uniform at vaccination centres to avoid drawing attention to themselves Arrangement with NHS allows police receive a vaccine if there is spare capacity Internal memo advises officers not to turn up at vaccine centres in their uniform Measure suggested to … Read more

Compulsory Covid-19 tests for travellers could add £1,000 to the cost of a holiday abroad 

Compulsory Covid-19 tests for travellers could add £1,000 to the cost of a holiday abroad People hoping to holiday abroad face paying hundreds for compulsory tests Hancock announced all travellers must take two extra tests before entering UK  The two-test package will be offered to travellers at a cost of £210 per person   By Daily … Read more

NHS Covid app has alerted 1.7million people to tell them to isolate since it was launched

One in 13 Britons using the NHS Covid-19 app have been sent an alert telling them they have been exposed to the virus and must self-isolate. Department of Health bosses revealed today the application had pushed alerts to 1.7million of its users since it launched in September.   A total of 21.6million people in England and … Read more

Passengers may be stranded aboard if they have not booked a hotel room at their destination

Hotel quarantine may leave passengers stranded abroad as airlines warn they could refuse flights to those who have failed to book a room in advance Ministers are considering asking if passengers have booked into a hotel in UK It is unclear whether carriers will be expected to bar travellers who answer no A booking system … Read more

Hotel chief blasts Government over quarantine hotels chaos

Boris Johnson’s hotel quarantine plans have been savaged by an industry boss who claimed his firm is yet to hear from the Government on how the policy will actually work.  Rob Paterson, the UK chief executive of Best Western Hotels, said his company is being ‘kept in the dark’ by ministers and ‘we simply haven’t … Read more