NASA shares first recording of Perseverance firing off its high-powered laser on Mars

It may sound like little pings, but the latest recording shared by NASA is Perseverance firing off its laser for the first time on Mars. The sounds of 30 impacts can be heard during the audio recording, which were shot from the rover’s SuperCam instrument and captured by a microphone attached to the rover. The … Read more

Bruno Mars shrugs off long-running cultural appropriation allegations: ‘It comes with the gig’

Bruno Mars defended himself from long-running allegations that he engages in cultural appropriation of black music despite not being black himself. ‘It’s just – it’s Twitter, man,’ the 35-year-old said on The Breakfast Club during an appearance with Anderson Paak with whom he formed the group Silk Sonic. In the interview Bruno, who was born to … Read more

New video shows Mars Perseverance rover take a leisurely 21ft test drive and ‘flex’ its robotic arm

NASA’s Perseverance took its first drive across the surface of Mars. It was a short jaunt for the car-sized rover, which went about .01 miles an hour for about 21 feet total, including a 150-degree turn. NASA engineers called the drive a success and a ‘real milestone’ for the mission. The debut drive was one … Read more

NASA: Perseverance rover on Mars runs on 1998 Apple iMac G3 processor

The same processor that powered Apple’s iconic, colorful 1998 iMac is being used to run NASA’s Perseverance on Mars. The rover is fitted with a PowerPC 750 processor that was found in the iMac G3 before Apple switched to Intel chips in 2005, New Scientist reports. The processor, which is also found in the Curiosity … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance rover, parachute, heat shield and descent stage spotted on Mars by ESA

NASA’s Perseverance rover, the parachute that helped it land and the descent stage have been spotted on Mars by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars orbiter. The rover first landed on the Red Planet on February 18 after a hair raising ‘7 minutes of terror’ descent to the Martian surface that saw it slowed down … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance’s most stunning shots of the Red Planet from its first week on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has spent the last week on the surface of Mars and in that short time has already sent back thousands of photos – including a cheeky selfie. The latest rover from the US space agency landed on the Red Planet just before 21:00 GMT on Thursday, February 18 after a hair raising … Read more

NASA takes the world on a tour of Mars using Perseverance’s high resolution panorama

NASA gave the world a tour of Mars using the high resolution 360-degree panorama Perseverance sent back from the Red Planet. The rover captured the scene using its powerful Mast Camera Mastcam-Z for short, as it sat about one and a half miles from the basin of the Jezero Crater with mountains in the distance … Read more

Evidence of melting snow on Mars flowing into gullies hints at prospect of life on planet

How important is the presence of liquid water? It is now widely believed that Mars holds a reasonably large volume of water. However, the surface of the planet is so cold, this water exists only as ice. In order for life to exist on a planet, many scientists believe it is essential for the world … Read more

Scientists discover evidence of melting snow on Mars flowing into gullies

How important is the presence of liquid water? It is now widely believed that Mars holds a reasonably large volume of water. However, the surface of the planet is so cold, this water exists only as ice. In order for life to exist on a planet, many scientists believe it is essential for the world … Read more

Earth, Venus and Mars among millions of ‘aquatic planets’ in Milky Way

How important is the presence of liquid water? It is now widely believed that Mars holds a reasonably large volume of water. However, the surface of the planet is so cold, this water exists only as ice. In order for life to exist on a planet, many scientists believe it is essential for the world … Read more