Rate of very premature births falls by as much as 90% during coronavirus lockdowns

Hospital emergency rooms, hallways and even children’s hospitals around the world flooded with coronavirus patients as the pandemic engulfed much of the world this year.  But doctors at several hospitals scattered across the globe noticed that one ward of their facilities was conspicuously quiet: the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  Usually busy with medical staff … Read more

Public Health England publish list of areas most at risk from lockdowns because of Covid-19 spikes

Five new coronavirus hotspots have tonight been highlighted as part of new data from public health chiefs which reveals the areas most at risk of being plunged into local lockdown.   Areas such as Pendle, in Lancashire, Herefordshire, and East Staffordshire have all seen spikes in the number of coronavirus cases in the last fortnight, Public … Read more

Scientists warn UK Government to prepare for ‘visible resistance’ to future lockdowns

The Government has been warned to prepare for ‘visible resistance’ if it tries to bring back lockdown rules in the future, official papers revealed today. Files from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) show that top behavioural scientists fear people won’t follow the rules for a second time. They say young people are tiring … Read more

Covid-19 cases were dropping BEFORE lockdowns were introduced

Covid-19 cases in the US were falling before states imposed lockdowns, according to a study that suggests less draconian measures could have been sufficient enough to tackle the crisis. John Hopkins University researchers in Baltimore, Maryland, analysed data from 25 of the counties worst-hit by the coronavirus in March and April. They discovered decreases in … Read more

Leaders of councils threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns reject the idea

Council leaders in areas threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns have rejected the idea – while claiming figures released by the Government detailing the highest coronavirus infection rates are out-of-date. Bradford, Barnsley and Rochdale were identified as three of the areas of England most at risk of being hit by a ‘local lockdown’ like the one imposed … Read more

The areas at England most at risk of Leicester-style local lockdowns

Bradford, Barnsley and Rochdale are three of the areas of England most at risk of being hit by a ‘local lockdown’ like the one imposed in Leicester to control the coronavirus, according to official data.   Statistics for the week ending June 21 — the most recently available — show those areas had the highest Covid-19 infection … Read more

More local lockdowns are ‘just DAYS away’ PHE sources claim

Leicester-style localised lockdowns are ‘just days away’ from being imposed after dozens of towns and cities saw cases surge in the past week, public health officials revealed today. Bradford and Doncaster are said to be at the top of the Government’s list of 36 regions earmarked as potential Covid hotspots.  Parts of Kent and at … Read more

‘The world went crazy’ with lockdowns, says Sweden’s coronavirus expert

Sweden’s top virus expert has said the ‘world went mad’ with coronavirus lockdowns which ‘fly in the face of what is known about handling virus pandemics’. Anders Tegnell, who advised Sweden to avoid full lockdown in favour of a ‘herd immunity’ strategy, said world leaders caved to political pressure amid panic – and that the … Read more

‘Chairman Dan Andrews’ orders more strict lockdowns as Victoria’s COVID-19 crisis deepens

Australians have been warned to stay away from six danger zones in Victoria as the state’s coronavirus outbreak worsened and lockdowns were tightened. The six council areas are all in Melbourne – Hume, Casey and Brimbank, Moreland, Cardinia and Darebin.  Australia’s chief health authority, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), issued a statement on Sunday … Read more

Coronavirus Europe: Lockdowns may have prevented 3m deaths

Coronavirus lockdowns may have prevented 3million deaths in Europe — including half a million the UK alone, a study has suggested. Imperial College London researchers tracked outbreaks in 11 European countries to estimate how effective strict social distancing measures have been.  Up to four per cent of people across the nations had caught the disease … Read more