Prince Harry uses Trump-like political gestures to stress personal epiphany, says body language guru

Prince Harry employed ‘Trump-like’ political gestures to stress his ‘personal epiphany’ and desire to make change while Meghan Markle looked ‘in awe’ of Malala Yousafzai during a virtual chat yesterday, according to a body language expert. The trio connected via Zoom for a discussion to mark International Day of the Girl, with the Duke and … Read more

Seven News accidentally airs obscene language during a live broadcast

When you see it! Seven News accidentally airs obscene language during a live broadcast… so how long did it take YOU to notice? By Chloe-lee Longhetti For Daily Mail Australia Published: 23:51 BST, 29 September 2020 | Updated: 23:52 BST, 29 September 2020 Everyone knows mistakes can happen when it comes to live TV. And … Read more

The Bachelor SPOILER: Body language expert reveals the signs that prove who will win

The identity of The Bachelor Locky Gilbert’s winner may be a well-guarded secret.  But a body language expert believes the 31-year-old may have unwittingly spoiled the outcome days ahead of the finale. Matchsmith founder Holly Bartter told Daily Mail Australia on Wednesday that while  each of the final four contestants share a strong connection with Locky, … Read more

Russell Brand sparks outrage after saying ‘working class men’ used ‘surprisingly poetic language’

Russell Brand is slammed as ‘patronising’ after admitting he was surprised that two ‘working class’ men could use ‘poetic language’ to describe the colour of his dog Comedian Russell Brand came under fire following tweet he posted yesterday Claimed dog ‘brings out the best in people’ after speaking to ‘working class men’ Said men described … Read more

Alexa gets a language lesson… from Susie Dent!

Alexa gets a language lesson… from Susie Dent! Countdown lexicographer gives Amazon’s AI device tips on how to understand accents including Geordie and Glaswegian Amazon’s Alexa has been given lessons in Geordie, Brummie and Glaswegian Countdown lexicographer Susie Dent said: ‘Nowhere is the diversity of English vocabulary more apparent than in Britain’ Research shows a … Read more

Half the entries on Scots Wikipedia are revealed as work of US teen who doesn’t speak the language

The majority of articles on the Scots Wikipedia page were written by a teenager in America who doesn’t speak Scots, it has been revealed. The user – who writes under screen name AmaryllisGardener – has made over 100,000 edits on the Scots Wikipedia, including creating tens of thousands of new pages and significantly expanding others. The articles … Read more

New font blurs curse words and swaps in kinder language to stop cyberbullying

Bullying can affect everyone; those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying.  Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.  It is important to talk to children to determine whether bullying, or something else, is a concern. Children who are bullied Children who … Read more

HBO Max puts trigger warning on Western spoof Blazing Saddles due to ‘racist language and attitudes’

HBO Max have begun showing a warning before the classic Western spoof Blazing Saddles, alerting viewers to the 1974 film’s ‘racist language and attitudes’ throughout. The film began streaming on the platform on July 28. Ahead of the film, HBO airs an introduction by University of Chicago professor of cinema studies and TCM host Jacqueline Stewart – similar … Read more

BBC to crack down on use of ‘racially insulting language’ after N-word row

BBC to crack down on use of ‘racially insulting language’ after N-word row with any planned mention now being referred to an executive BBC received more than 18,500 complaints after journalist used offensive term  Editorial director Kamal Ahmed has written to staff about new plans Racist language on news and current affairs should be referred … Read more

Tricky language quiz tests your knowledge of obscure new additions to the Oxford English Dictionary

Tricky language quiz tests your knowledge of obscure new additions to the Oxford English Dictionary – so, how many do YOU know? Quiz tests the nation’s knowledge of the newest words in the Oxford Dictionary  Posted on US trivia site Playbuzz, challenge asks ten multiple choice questions  Oxford Dictionary adds around 100 expressions to their … Read more