How virus-proof is your mask? Under laboratory conditions, a professor answers the burning question

Face coverings may be compulsory in more places now than ever — but how much protection do they really afford to people around you? ‘A face covering should help minimise the spread of micro-organisms (including the Covid-19 virus) by the wearer,’ says Val Edwards-Jones, an emeritus professor of medical microbiology at Manchester Metropolitan University. ‘During coughing, … Read more

Google’s medical AI far less accurate at identifying illness in clinics than in the laboratory 

A Google-developed AI that was capable of identifying cases of diabetic retinopathy (DR) with 90 percent accuracy in the testing laboratory has turned out to be much less useful in clinics and hospitals. In laboratory settings, the AI designed by Google Health performed at the equivalent level of a medical ‘specialist,’ but in testing at … Read more

Laboratory monkeys are infected with a lethal coronavirus in vaccine hunt

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. Nearly 3,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 83,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of … Read more