Donald Trump lands in Tulsa for his MAGA comeback rally

President Donald Trump landed in Tulsa Saturday to speak at a rally intended to relaunch is re-election campaign but a smaller than expected crowd awaited him. The rally was designed by the campaign to reboot the president’s re-election effort, which was side lined by the coronavirus. Trump’s approval rating tanked based on his handling of … Read more

Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice blasts Trump administration as ‘racist to the core’

Barack Obama’s national security adviser blasted the Trump administration as ‘racist to its core’ and said that electing Joe Biden as president was vital in order to ‘remove Donald Trump and consign those who supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history.’ Susan Rice, who has been mentioned in recent weeks as … Read more

Joe Biden almost drops F-BOMB during passionate speech about President Trump

Joe Biden stopped himself from dropping the f-bomb while discussing President Trump at a roundtable in Philadelphia.  The Democratic presidential nominee, 77, was caught on camera almost uttering the profanity Thursday, when the commander-in-chief’s record on race came up as a topic of discussion. ‘When a president speaks, no matter how good or bad he is, … Read more

George Floyd funeral: Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum attend

Celebrities including Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum and NFL stars attended George Floyd’s funeral in Houston, Texas on Tuesday, with Joe Biden making an appearance via video link and singer Ne-Yo fighting tears while performing. Other well-known attendees included Floyd Mayweather – who sent Floyd’s family a check for the four memorial services which have been … Read more

Biden DENIES wanting to ‘defund the police’ as Trump tries it into election wedge issue

President Donald Trump vowed on Monday there will not be any defunding or dismantling of police as he met with law enforcement officials at the White House and tried to turn the protests that rose up in the wake of George Floyd’s death into an election year issue. His Democratic rival Joe Biden, meanwhile, traveled to … Read more

Donald Trump trails behind Joe Biden by seven points in latest election poll

Donald Trump is trailing behind Joe Biden by SEVEN points according to new poll, and has lost support from male voters and people without college degrees since last election President Donald Trump is trailing behind presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by seven percentage points according to new poll The new numbers reveal Trump has lost … Read more

Chinese and Iranian hackers target presidential campaigns for Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Chinese and Iranian hackers target personal email accounts of staffers working on presidential campaigns for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but Google insists there are ‘no signs of compromise’ Google reported attempted attacks on presidential campaign staffers Hackers from China targets the personal emails of Joe Biden staffers While hackers from Iran went after the emails … Read more

Polls show Biden 11 points ahead of Trump nationally and Texas in play

Joe Biden takes 11 point lead over Donald Trump nationwide as poll shows TEXAS is too close to call with Biden on 43 and Trump on 44 Joe Biden has an 11-point lead over President Trump in a new national poll, as state surveys show trouble spots for Trump in Wisconsin, Arizona and Texas  Monmouth … Read more

Trump bashed Democrat-run cities burned by rioters and demands more National Guard be activated

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday afternoon to voice his displeasure with Democratic mayors and governors across the country who he feels are not taking enough action to stop violent rioters in their respective jurisdictions. ‘Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors,’ the president urged in a tweet. ‘These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National … Read more

George Floyd death: Joe Biden slams Trump over tweets

Joe Biden on Friday slammed President Donald Trump for his handling of George Floyd’s death after the black man died while in custody of white police officers. The former vice president revealed he has spoken with Floyd’s family and took issue with Trump’s tweets on the matter, saying ‘this is no time for incendiary tweets’ … Read more