‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson warns Covid infections are continuing to spill out of care homes

Coronavirus infections in care homes are continuing to spill into the community and will keep daily cases steady until September, ‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson has warned. The Imperial College London scientist – whose grim modelling of the pandemic has been used to steer the Government through the crisis – said he was ‘shocked’ by how badly … Read more

UK’s test, trace and isolate scheme will only cut infections by 5%, scientists warn

The Government’s contact tracing programme will only bring down infections by a mere 5 per cent, according to Royal Society scientists. World-leading experts from the prestigious scientific academy warned the scheme was ‘not a silver bullet’ and will only have a ‘modest’ effect on the UK’s crisis. The scientists said that testing times were still … Read more

World passes five million coronavirus cases with Latin America now seeing most infections

The coronavirus has infected more than five million people around the world, with Latin America now seeing the fastest growth in new cases.  A surge in cases in Brazil and a growing outbreak in Argentina have propelled South America ahead of North America as the continent with the most new infections.  Yesterday, South America recorded … Read more

New coronavirus infections accelerate in Germany

New coronavirus infections accelerate in Germany where the R number has risen above one for the first time since lockdown has been lifted The R number has risen to 1.1 The Robert Koch Institute for disease control said When that figure goes above 1, it means the number of infections is growing Chancellor Angela Merkel has … Read more

Coronavirus infections do NOT start with a fever in most children, small study finds

How to know if kids have coronavirus: Infections do NOT start with a fever in most children, small study finds, as experts warn parents to look out for diarrhea and nausea instead Researchers at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, looked at five hospitalized children under five years old Three of the five kids needed an … Read more

Children CAN spread coronavirus, studies claim as NIH launches trial to track pediatric infections 

Children are capable of transmitting the novel coronavirus, two new international studies claim. Over the course of the pandemic, fewer children compared to adults have fallen ill and, when they are infected, their symptoms are milder. But it’s been unclear if they can spread the virus to adults. Now, researchers in China and Germany say they … Read more

Total coronavirus infections in Italy falls for second day but daily deaths and new cases climb

Deaths from coronavirus in Italy climbed by 534 today as the total number of infections fell for the second day in a row.  The number of new cases of COVID-19 in the country also increased to 2,729 from 2,256 on Monday, authorities said. Despite a drop in the number of patients with the disease, fatalities … Read more

Spain hits grim landmark of more than 200,000 coronavirus infections

Spain passed a grim milestone in its coronavirus crisis today as the country confirmed more than 200,000 cases. Health officials registered 4,266 new cases on Monday, increasing the total infected since the start of the outbreak from 195,944 to 200,210. The country also saw another 399 deaths, bringing the total from 20,453 to 20,852. The … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘reluctant to end lockdown amid fears of a second wave of coronavirus infections’

Boris Johnson is ‘reluctant to end lockdown over fears of a second wave of coronavirus infections’ – despite lowest daily deaths for two weeks – but Sunak and Gove want to ‘run hot’ and ease restrictions sooner Boris Johnson is reportedly reluctant to ease coronavirus lockdown over fears of a second wave of infections But … Read more

Spain sees another rise in coronavirus cases with 5,183 new infections

Spain saw a second straight increase in its daily number of coronavirus cases today after another 5,183 people tested positive for the disease.  The 5,183 new cases, up from yesterday’s 5,092 and the highest figure for a week, bring the total from 177,633 to 182,816.  There were 551 new deaths, slightly more than yesterday’s 523, … Read more