Riot police fend off barrage of bricks and bottles in battle to shut down illegal rave in London

Riot police fended off a barrage of bricks and bottles thrown by revellers as they shut down an illegal rave attended by hundreds in London last night. Video from the scene shows officers in riot gear forming a line as they walk down a street near the Woodberry Down Estate in Finsbury Park to disperse crowds. … Read more

Prince William calls for world to end to illegal wildlife trade

The Duke of Cambridge encouraged the international community to come together to end the illegal wildlife trade for good, in a virtual meeting of the United for Wildlife Taskforces and leading conservation organisations today.  Prince William, 38, admitted that 2020 had taken an unexpected ‘heart-breaking course’ as he took part in his first webinar, and … Read more

Priti Patel urges France to TOW boatloads of illegal migrants back across the Channel

Priti Patel last night told France to start towing boatloads of illegal migrants back to its shores – as numbers crossing the Channel to England surged to near-record levels. Up to 200 migrants were intercepted by Border Force patrols off the British coast yesterday in what is feared to be a new daily record. The … Read more

Return of the drugged-up illegal raves that should make every parent shudder

Five minutes to midnight and I’m climbing out of an Uber in an industrial estate in the depths of South London. I haven’t got a clue where I’m meant to be going but I head off in the darkness in the direction of the pulsating beat of music, following three people ahead of me who … Read more

More than 200 revellers ignore police warnings to attend illegal woodland rave

More than 200 revellers ignore police warnings to attend illegal rave in woods before officers storm in to close it down Revellers gathered in a wooded area near Eston, Teesside, on super Saturday Cleveland police scorned them for putting an unnecessary ‘burden’ on the NHS Officers told parents in the area to ‘check the whereabouts … Read more

Police showered with bottles as they try to break up an illegal block party in west London

Police are showered with bottles and chased away by crowds as they try to break up an illegal block party in west London By Darren Boyle for MailOnline Published: 23:43 BST, 3 July 2020 | Updated: 23:45 BST, 3 July 2020 Police came under attack with bottles after they tried to clear a ‘block party’ … Read more

New Michigan law makes it illegal for companies to force workers to be implanted with microchips

A new bill passed by the Michigan House of Representatives would make it illegal for companies to force workers to be implanted with microchips. The legislation, called the Microchip Protection Act, or House Bill 5672, would still allow employees to volunteer for microchip implants but making implants mandatory would be against the law.  The practice … Read more

Drug barons are bankrolling DJs to organise illegal festival-sized raves

Drug barons are paying DJs to organise illegal ‘festival-sized’ raves in various locations across the UK, police fear. Gangsters in the northwest want the large, drug-fuelled parties to go ahead because they create a crowded market of ravers who want to buy their class-A substances, a Greater Manchester Police source said.  Several of the 13 … Read more

Police forces up and down Britain crack down on lockdown parties and illegal raves

Police forces across Britain are cracking down on lockdown parties and illegal raves after violence erupted in London this week. A massive block party in West Kilburn took place yesterday afternoon as riot police battled hundreds of revellers with shields and truncheons. It followed raves Brixton and Notting Hill which both turned violent and led … Read more

Brooklyn tells public NOT to call 911 to report epidemic of illegal firework displays

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams told residents not to call 911 to report the plague of illegal fireworks that have overwhelmed NYC because some view them as a form of nonviolent protest. Adams urged concerned neighbors to ‘go talk to young people or the people on your block who are using fireworks’ and warn them … Read more