Boris Johnson’s father Stanley vows to IGNORE his son’s official government advice

‘Of course I’ll go to the pub!’: Boris Johnson’s coronavirus plan is thrown into chaos as his own FATHER Stanley vows to ignore official advice to avoid social contact despite Britain now on coronavirus lockdown Stanley Johnson defied son Boris’s advice today on This Morning programme  Yesterday government stepped up its instructions on social distancing  … Read more

Government tells self-isolating Britons to double-bag their coronavirus waste

Anyone self-isolating or suffering from symptoms of coronavirus is being urged to double bag their waste and not leave it unsupervised for 72 hours before binning.  The Government has issued the advice on what to do with your waste – especially tissues and disposable cleaning cloths – as more and more Britons test positive for the … Read more

London stays open for business: Cafes and shops flout government advice to shut down

London remained open for business today, with many shops and cafes operating as normal and attracting a steady stream of customers in defiance of Boris Johnson’s 12-week shutdown.  Britons were yesterday told to avoid all non-essential travel and contact with others, but without any enforcement measures a substantial number today appeared to ignore his advice … Read more

Novacyt up after government orders coronavirus tests in a £3.7m deal 

Biotech minnow Novacyt up 18% after government orders thousands of coronavirus tests in a £3.7m deal By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 22:15 GMT, 16 March 2020 | Updated: 00:05 GMT, 17 March 2020 Novacyt raced 18 per cent higher after Public Health England ordered thousands of its coronavirus tests in a £3.7million … Read more

British doctors call on government to INCREASE coronavirus testing

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Piers Morgan blasts government for not banning mass gatherings

Piers Morgan has blasted the government for not banning mass gatherings and criticised people for continuing to attend concerts and marathons despite the coronavirus crisis plaguing Britain. The UK death toll from the killer virus soared to 35 yesterday, with 14 deaths in just 24 hours but the government has yet to ban concerts and … Read more

RUTH SUNDERLAND argues the Government should step in to rescue struggling aviation industry

For the millions of people whose travel plans have been thrown into disarray by coronavirus, pleas from Virgin Atlantic for a multi-billion-pound taxpayer bailout will be greeted with deep distrust. Galling as it is, however, the Government should stand ready to rescue the industry in order to get through the immediate crisis and to help … Read more

Could it be last orders for pubs? Government has not ruled out ordering a total shutdown

Britain may follow Ireland’s lead and shut down all pubs in a bid to stem the spread of coronavirus, Health Secretary Matt Hancock indicated yesterday. The UK may also fall in line with Italy, France and Spain by closing restaurants and cafes – as well as shops that do not sell essential items. The Irish … Read more

Israel president Reuven Rivlin is to ask Benny Gantz to form government

Israel president Reuven Rivlin is to ask rival Benny Gantz to form government in sign that Benjamin Netanyahu is losing his grip on power President Reuven Rivlin asked Benny Gantz to form a coalition Government The development follows three inconclusive elections and a year of stalemate Commentators say it is a major setback for PM Benjamin … Read more

Coronavirus could overwhelm hospitals and facilities in Iran warns top government official

A leading Iranian official has admitted that hospitals in the country could be overwhelmed by the coronavirus after a record 113 deaths and 1,209 new cases were reported in just 24 hours.  It was the first time that more than 100 people had died from the virus in a single day in the Islamic nation.  … Read more