Iceberg: Underwater robotic gliders to investigate mass on collision course with South Georgia

Robotic underwater gliders will be sent to investigate the massive iceberg presently on a collision course with the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, experts said. Dubbed A68a, the enormous mass — some 87 miles (140 km) in length — broke off from Antarctica’s Larsen C Ice Shelf in 2017 and has been drifting north ever … Read more

US F15 fighter jets avoid crashing into gliders over English countryside, report reveals 

Two US fighter jets narrowly missed a pair of gliders and had to take emergency action to avoid a mid-air collision over the English countryside, a report has revealed.   The two F15s switched on ‘maximum afterburners’ and made an ‘aggressive climb’ to steer clear of the unidentified gliders which suddenly appeared 1,000ft ahead of them.    … Read more