Santa’s green stocking! The ultimate Christmas gifts for gardeners

Santa’s green stocking! The ultimate Christmas gifts for gardeners Nigel Colborn picked out a selection of Christmas gift suggestions for gardeners British gardener says there are many new tools, fancy pots and helpful books His top picks include Gnome With A Chalkboard and Esschert Design Tool Stool By Nigel Colborn for the Daily Mail Published: 22:05 … Read more

There’s more than one variety of evergreen that will add cheer to the Christmas garden

My favourite Christmas trees are growing outside and will – I hope – never be brought into the house. I think I am safe on that score because you would need a crane to shift even the smallest one.  There are 16 of them, all clipped to tight cone shapes and all made from yew, … Read more

Watching birds at work can brighten up winter, says MONTY DON

Monty revisits one of his classic books, Gardening at Longmeadow, in an occasional series.  Throughout my whole life I’ve kept chickens, and apart from the wonderful flavour of the steady supply of fresh eggs, I value the birds highly as a useful and pretty addition to the garden. They spend their day scratching around the … Read more

Courteney Cox shops for gardening supplies in Malibu after the Friends reunion is pushed back

Courteney Cox keeps it casual in navy long-sleeved top and jeans while shopping in Malibu…as she keeps herself busy after the Friends reunion is pushed back By Sam Joseph Semon For Published: 02:10 GMT, 24 November 2020 | Updated: 02:10 GMT, 24 November 2020 The Friends reunion has been pushed back.  And Courteney Cox … Read more

Blooms for all seasons: Plant versatile roses now and enjoy a colourful show next year

Blooms for all seasons: Plant versatile roses now and enjoy a colourful show next year Nigel Colborn says the soils are not yet too cold to plant bare-rooted plants He suggests that although the choice is infinite, always go for top performers  He revealed the best growers in his garden include the climber R. Compassion By … Read more

Tricky celery and knobbly celeriac are well worth the effort, says Monty Don

When I was growing up, celery was served almost invariably as a summer salad vegetable – and it is very good like this. But cooked celery enriches almost any soup or stew, as well as being tasty in its own right. Celery and its close relative celeriac are both delicious now. Celeriac is cultivated for … Read more

My top tips for tulips: Choose big bulbs, plant them deep and improve drainage

We have reached the tulip-planting season. In theory all other bulbs should be planted by now, leaving tulips till last. In practice, few of us achieve or even aim for that.  I still have some daffodils and crocuses to plant and although it is something I should definitely hurry up and get on with, any … Read more

A dash of Autumn colour: Red, pink and gold – bulbs to brighten up the dullest of spaces 

A dash of Autumn colour: Red, pink and gold — bulbs to brighten up the dullest of spaces Nigel Colborn shared advice for brightening up dull spaces with Autumn colours British gardening expert said small trees and shrubs can brighten a garden up Autumn is short-lived so the smaller the working space, the more selective … Read more

Whether roasted, mashed or made into soup, pumpkins are a princely veg, says Monty Don

Plump for pumpkins! Whether roasted, mashed or made into soup, pumpkins are a princely veg, says Monty Don. All they need is sun and space to spread… Monty Don shares his tips for growing the best pumpkins Says that growing cross-patch crops such as lettuce or radishes can fill space Ensure 5cm of the pumpkins neck … Read more

Red hot crops! He’s had a few false starts, but Monty Don has mastered the art of growing chillies

With gardening, as in life, pride usually precedes a whopping great fall, so I’m tempting fate in saying I’ve learned how to grow chillies well. But it has taken a while and was preceded, if not by failure, by very average results. Nowadays I have a great supply and that, in itself, is a cause … Read more