US Election 2020: Donald Trump says fraud fight not for own benefit

Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp hit back at President Donald Trump Monday after the president called him ‘hapless’ and demanded he use ’emergency powers’ to stop the state’s certified election results from going forward. Kemp, who Trump said Sunday he was ‘ashamed’ of having endorsed just two years ago, hit back in a statement that … Read more

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro says there was ‘a lot of fraud’ in the US election

Brazil’s ‘Trump of the Tropics’ President Jair Bolsonaro claims there was ‘a lot of fraud’ in the US election and will ‘wait a little longer’ before recognizing Biden’s win Bolsonaro suggested to reporters that there are questions looming over the vote ‘I have my sources of information… there really was a lot of fraud there,’ … Read more

Donald Trump says ‘big lawsuit’ will prove election ‘ballot fraud’

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday crossed a historic milestone and got 80 million votes – more than any candidate in U.S. history, in an election President Donald Trump continues to call ‘rigged.’ Biden and running mate Kamala Harris’s vote total exceeds Trump’s by more than 6 million votes, and his lead as a percentage has … Read more

Donald Trump claims he has ‘big lawsuit’ which will prove ‘ballot fraud and more’

Joe Biden passes 80 million total votes as Donald Trump claims he has a ‘big lawsuit’ which will prove ‘ballot fraud and more’ despite consistent court defeats Biden and Kamala Harris lead Trump 51 to 47 per cent  Their lead has surpassed Trump by 6 million votes  The president claims his suit ‘spells out in … Read more

Trump tweets late-night rant claiming voter fraud

US President Donald Trump has claimed there were more votes than people who voted in some swing states in a late-night rant before his post was labeled as disputed by Twitter. After 4am this morning, the President tweeted: ‘In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump says ‘big voter fraud info’ due on Georgia

President Donald Trump continued with claims of election fraud on Saturday morning as he alleged ‘big voter fraud information’ had been discovered in Georgia.  ‘Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!’ Trump tweeted.  Biden was declared the winner in Georgia after a hand recount this week and Trump’s previous claims of fraud … Read more

Trump claims that there is ‘big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia’

Trump claims that there is ‘big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia’ as he continues to claim he won the election President Donald Trump continued to allege voter fraud on Saturday He claimed there is ‘big voter fraud information’ coming from Georgia Trump urged his supporters to ‘stay tuned!’  By Frances Mulraney For Published: … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump continues electoral fraud allegation tweets

Donald Trump does have a precarious – and politically explosive – path to keeping the White House. To do it he needs to get Joe Biden’s wins in a series of states set aside.  With his claim that the Supreme Court would do that looking to have evaporated, instead he has to use the procedures … Read more

Donald Trump launches another tweet storm of fraud allegations which have failed in court

President Donald Trump began Thursday, the 16th day since Election Day and the 12th since networks called the presidential race for Joe Biden, once again railing against election fraud despite a string of defeats in court. Trump again called the election ‘rigged,’ and said there is ‘no way’ Democrats could have defeated him. For the … Read more

More than three-quarters of Donald Trump’s voters say Joe Biden’s victory was a ‘fraud,’ poll finds 

The vast majority of Donald Trump’s voters believe Joe Biden only won the presidency due to some sort of ‘fraud’ – rhetoric that the president has been peddling for months. A Monmouth poll released Wednesday shows 77 per cent of Trump’s voters think there was some sort of funny business with the 2020 elections that … Read more