Foreign Office’s chief mouser Palmerston ‘retires’

Thanks fur the memories: Foreign Office’s chief mouser Palmerston ‘retires’ after ‘enjoying working from home’ during lockdown Palmerston has been the chief mouser at the Foreign Office for past four years  Announced on his own @DiploMog Twitter feed that he has decided to retire  Letter said he had enjoyed living in the country during lockdown … Read more

Foreign Office says of British embassy workers suffered ‘non-life-threatening’ injuries in Beirut

Foreign Office says ‘small number’ of British embassy workers suffered ‘non-life-threatening’ injuries in Beirut blast Explosion in Port of Beirut has killed dozens of people and devastated the city Foreign Office confirms some British embassy staff were injured in deadly blast  Boris Johnson said Government is ‘ready to provide support in any way we can’  … Read more

Singapore is making foreign visitors wear electronic tags to ensure they follow quarantine rules 

Singapore is making foreign visitors wear electronic tags to ensure they follow quarantine rules Those given the devices will be allowed to isolate at home instead of in a facility  Any attempt to leave the home or tamper with the device will alert authorities  Singapore has so far seen more than 53,000 Covid-19 cases but … Read more

Foreign office plans airlift of ‘a small number’ of ISIS jihadis’ children

Foreign office plans airlift of ‘a small number’ of ISIS jihadis’ children from Syria to return them to the UK as wards of court and bring them up in care A small number of British children are being held in Syria after the fall of ISIS  The Government wants the children returned to the UK … Read more

Independent SAGE controversially calls for dramatic restrictions on foreign travel

Britain should dramatically restrict foreign holidays and travel in an attempt to totally eliminate coronavirus rather than just restricting it, the Independent SAGE committee has argued. The panel, which shadows the UK’s official scientific advisory group, said a substantial reduction in the number of people entering the country would allow officials to isolate any remaining … Read more

What staycations are left for Brits whose foreign holidays have been ruined?

Britain’s cottages, hotels and holiday sites are seeing a rush in bookings as people give up on travelling abroad amid quarantine fears and opt for a staycation instead. Families are booking up dates for UK holidays in 2021 despite the cost of some stays going up by 50 per cent as operators try to recoup … Read more

Foreign Office urges Brits not to travel to Spanish islands in change to advice

The Government heaped further agony on holidaymakers tonight as they officially advised Britons not to visit Spanish islands including Ibiza, Majorca, Tenerife and Lanzarote. The Foreign Office updated its travel advice for the Balearics and the Canary Islands, advising against all but ‘non-essential’ travel in line with rules on the Spanish mainland. But there had … Read more

UK gives £71m in foreign aid to China in just one year

MPs demanded an inquiry last night as it was revealed that £71 million of taxpayers’ cash was handed to super-rich China in just one year. Some of the aid money was used to put Chinese firms in competition with British counterparts. The revelation comes as China – which has the second-largest economy in the world … Read more

Boris Johnson could create a US-style ‘spy list’ to kick out covert foreign agents

Boris Johnson could create a US-style ‘spy list’ to make it illegal to secretly work for a foreign country while in the UK as Labour accused the Government of a ‘chronic failure of leadership’ over stopping foreign interference in British democracy.  The Prime Minister is pushing ahead with plans to bolster the UK’s counter-espionage laws … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab taking on Beijing 

Black belt Dominic Raab was in tough guy mode: HENRY DEEDES watches Foreign Secretary taking on Beijing By Henry Deedes for the Daily Mail Published: 22:47 BST, 20 July 2020 | Updated: 23:06 BST, 20 July 2020 With a stiff-board back and a pronounced tone of defiance, Dominic Raab announced to the Commons he was … Read more