Could helicopter money or universal basic income fight coronavirus?

Britain has joined the rest of the world in pushing the pause button to try to combat the coronavirus pandemic. This has sent the economy into uncharted waters and could lead governments and central banks there too, as they try to pull off rescue plans big enough. Highly unusual financial measures including helicopter money, people’s … Read more

Boris Johnson urges up to 65,000 former medics to come out of retirement to help fight coronavirus

Your NHS needs YOU! Boris Johnson urges up to 65,000 former medics to come out of retirement to help fight coronavirus Ex-doctors and nurses are being urged by ministers to help tackle coronavirus Emails will echo Lord Kitchener’s Your Country Needs You recruitment poster Staff will complete brief online survey and be allowed to re-register … Read more

Floyd Mayweather ‘WON’T fight in 2020 after two family deaths’

Floyd Mayweather ‘WON’T fight in 2020 after two tragic family deaths’… putting an end to speculation he would step back into the ring to face Conor McGregor or Manny Pacquiao Floyd Mayweather has suffered two losses in his family in recent weeks  His uncle Roger died at 58 and his ex-girlfriend Josie Harris also passed … Read more

GPs supplied with expired face masks that have concealed ‘best before’ stickers to fight coronavirus

GPs on the coronavirus frontline are being supplied with face masks that expired four years ago, it has emerged.  Boxes of masks handed out to multiple GP surgeries by NHS England are printed with an expiry date of 2016. But in an apparent attempt to conceal the issue, stickers showing a later expiry date of … Read more

Matt Hancock says the NHS will axe non-emergency ops to fight ‘invisible killer’ coronavirus

‘We are in a war against an invisible killer’: Matt Hancock says the NHS will cancel or delay non-emergency operations to help free up staff and beds to help with coronavirus battle as death toll rises All elective surgery not time sensitive will either be cancelled or postponed  Hancock told MPs this eveing: ‘We are in … Read more

Nvidia calls on PC gamers to lend processing power to fight coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

How to boost your immune system to help fight off coronavirus

The bad news is that there is no magic pill or miracle broth that will ‘boost’ our immunity against coronavirus overnight. The good news is that there are many ways we can give our immune system the best possible chance of operating at its optimum level. When it comes to maintaining good health, the immune … Read more

Hundreds of Hindus hold cow urine drinking party in the belief it can fight off coronavirus

Hundreds of Hindu worshippers in India hosted a cow urine drinking party on Saturday in the belief that it will ward off cornavirus. There is not yet a vaccine available for the virus, which is sweeping across the world and has so far infected more than 140,000 people, with more than 5,000 deaths.   But a … Read more

WHO questions UK’s approach to ‘herd immunity’ amid coronavirus fight

The World Health Organisation has criticised the Government’s controversial approach to allow UK citizens to develop ‘herd immunity’ against coronavirus. Boris Johnson and his team of scientific advisers revealed on Thursday that the aim of the Government’s approach is to slow the progress of the virus as it sweeps through the population, rather than following … Read more