Donald Trump calls Democrats ‘FASCISTS’ and Joe Biden a ‘jerk’

President Donald Trump let loose a stream of vitriolic insults and take-downs of leading Democratic politicians whom he accused of ‘coddling’ criminals Monday – labeling his opponents both ‘fascists’ and ‘radicals.’ He also described the economic impact of the coronavirus as ‘God testing me,’ and joked that it might have been a punishment for him … Read more

Defeated by fascists in the Spanish Civil War, dozens of rebels hid in tiny spaces…

As the front door closed behind Manuel Cortes, there was a moment’s hesitation. Then, as he took his first step onto the cobbled street, the 64-year-old lost his footing, his wife Juliana offering a steadying arm to prevent him falling. Later he would reveal it was his shoes that had been the problem — he … Read more