Ex-Google executive unveils helper ‘Stretch’ equipped with arm to help with simple household tasks

Ex-Google executive unveils robotic helper ‘Stretch’ equipped with gripper arm to help with simple household tasks Stretch is a robot designed to facilitiate research into household robotics It has a robotic arm and gripper attached to a wheeled platform  It was released by Hello Robot for $17,950 after three years of development   The bot can … Read more

Ex-Google chief warns Huawei poses a national security threat to Britain

Former Google boss Eric Schmidt today blasted Huawei and accused the tech giant of handing data from its routers directly to the Chinese state to help its battle with UK and US spy agencies. Mr Schmidt says the company wanting to help build parts of Britain’s 5G network had engaged in ‘unacceptable acts’ and should … Read more

The AI that could keep you happy at work: Ex-Google team reveal software that ‘nudges’ workers

Three former Google employees believe that artificial intelligence could be the secret to making you happier at work.  Their startup, called Humu, uses machine learning to parse through employee data and then ‘nudges’ workers to help them improve in areas that might make their work lives better, according to the New York Times.  Nudges are … Read more