Donald Trump say he will make 100,000 ventilators in 100 days

President Donald Trump said Friday he is using wartime federal authority to force production of up to 100,000 ventilators – less than a day after saying governors were making over-blown estimates of the medical need.  Trump made the comment on the ventilator shopping spree just hours after announcing he was invoking the Defense Production Act … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump orders GM to produce ventilators

President Donald Trump said Friday he is using wartime federal authority to force production of up to 100,000 ventilators – less than a day after saying governors were making over-blown estimates of the medical need.  Trump made the comment on the ventilator shopping spree just hours after announcing he was invoking the Defense Production Act … Read more

Donald Trump begins to water down commitment to open the country up by Easter

Donald Trump begins to water down commitment to open the country up by Easter saying some areas will NOT qualify – and promising to ask Tony Fauci for advice Trump talked about opening ‘big sections of our country’ that he said were little affected There are spiraling outbreaks in New York, California, Washington and Louisiana … Read more

Kanye West talks backlash for wearing MAGA hat and supporting Donald Trump

Kanye West  spoke candidly about the backlash he has received for supporting US President Donald Trump as he compared it to life as a black man before he became famous. The 42-year-old husband of Kim Kardashian is featured on the cover of the April issue of WSJ. Magazine as he talked about criticism he has … Read more

Hospital ship Donald Trump boasted is ‘under way’ to Los Angeles spends day at anchor off San Diego 

The Navy hospital ship being sent to help coronavirus-stricken Los Angeles traveled just nine miles from San Diego in 24 hours – and spent most of Tuesday anchored off Imperial Beach, California, can disclose. USNS Mercy, a converted oil tanker that has space to treat up to 1,000 patients, left its home port at … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump defies doctors over shutdown

President Donald Trump on Tuesday argued that thousands die every year from the flu and the United States doesn’t shut down the economy, adding he wants the guidelines he put in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus over by Easter.   ‘We lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu. We … Read more

John Hopkins health expert says ‘millions could die’ if Donald Trump lifts lockdowns early

A health expert on Monday warned that coronavirus will ‘spread widely, rapidly, terribly and millions could die’ if Donald Trump lifts lockdowns in the United States early.  Tom Inglesby, a director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tweeted his fears after the president said he will reconsider the nation’s social distancing policy within a matter … Read more

Access to experimental coronavirus drug touted by Donald Trump is put on hold amid surging demand

Gilead Sciences Inc said on Sunday it was temporarily putting new emergency access to its experimental coronavirus drug on hold. Remdesivir has been touted by Donald Trump and credited with helping in the recovery of a 79-year-old Italian man who had the disease.  But the drugmaker said in a statement there had been an exponential increase … Read more

Donald Trump won’t rule out seeking government assistance for his company

President Donald Trump won’t rule out accepting government assistance for his Trump Organization after the company closed Mar-a-Lago, fired staff, and even shut down the bars at its Washington D.C. luxury hotel in the wake of the coronavirus.  ‘I don’t know. I mean, I just don’t know what the government assistance would be for what I … Read more

Donald Trump cancels G7 summit at Camp David in June and will hold it by video conference instead

Donald Trump cancels G7 summit at Camp David in June and will hold it by video conference instead in latest event felled by coronavirus United States, Italy, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Britain as well as the European Union had been due to convent at Camp David in June But Trump canceled the event Thursday and … Read more