Dominic Raab takes his seat at the (virtual) G7 table as he stands in for Boris Johnson

Dominic Raab takes his seat at the (virtual) G7 table as he stands in for Boris Johnson at Donald Trump-organised meeting at which leaders pledge to help the global economy ‘rebound’ from coronavirus He joined Trump and other leaders to discuss the economic impact of pandemic  No10 pictures showed him in briefing room with world … Read more

Relaxing coronavirus lockdown measures too soon would have ‘catastrophic’ consequences

Coming out of lockdown too soon could be catastrophic and lead to an explosion of new coronavirus cases according to a study modelling the spread of the virus.  Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created a model showing the spread of the deadly virus using publicly available data. The authors say that any … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Lockdown extended for three more weeks

Dominic Raab tonight declared that coronavirus lockdown will stay for another three weeks despite growing alarm at the economic consequences. The Foreign Secretary confirmed the public’s ‘efforts are starting to pay off’ but draconian curbs cannot yet be lifted after he chaired a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee.  He said transmission in the community … Read more

China ‘concealed coronavirus and trying to evade blame’, says ex-MI6 chief John Sawers

China concealed coronavirus from the West and is ‘evading’ blame for the pandemic, a former head of MI6 said today. Sir John Sawers said Beijing was not honest when the disease first surfaced and faced ‘anger’ from the international community.  He also insisted the World Health Organisation (WHO) faced ‘serious questions’ for failing to scrutinise … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches baffled boffins at the Downing Street briefing 

Yvonne Doyle, medical director of Public Health England, looked mildly blank when the thorny issue of care homes was raised at yesterday’s Downing Street press briefing. Someone had made the not unreasonable point that NHS Nightingale hospital was largely empty, so why couldn’t it be used to provide support for elderly patients from care homes? … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Rishi Sunak warns of ‘tough times to come’

Rishi Sunak tonight warned of ‘more tough times to come’ amid warnings the economy faces shrinking by more than a third this quarter with two million people made jobless. The Chancellor said people should brace for ‘hardship’ as he insisted the hit from the lockdown measures designed to combat the deadly coronavirus would be ‘temporary’. … Read more

Two-thirds of Britons – even half of LABOUR voters – say government is doing a good job again Covid

The vast majority of Britons say Boris Johnson’s government is doing a good job of tackling the coronavirus crisis, a poll suggests. Two-thirds of the country, including nearly half of Labour voters, feel the Prime Minister has handled the pandemic well so far, the YouGov survey says. The UK was put in lockdown on March … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 2million jobs at risk in three-month lockdown

The economy faces shrinking by more than a third this quarter with two million people made jobless as coronavirus wreaks havoc, the government’s watchdog warned today. Shocking analysis from the Office for Budget Responsibility underlines the trade-offs being made to combat the deadly disease by putting the country into lockdown.  It warns curbs staying in … Read more

Cabinet chaos on coronavirus lockdown amid warnings over economic death toll

Ministers fear Britons will not obey instructions to lift the coronavirus lockdown when the time comes despite the risk of lasting damage to the economy, it was revealed today. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has moved to quash the idea of an imminent loosening, with the UK now facing restrictions until at least May 7. But … Read more

Britons BACK harsh lockdown rules despite fearing they will damage the UK economy for years – poll

The vast majority of Britons back the lockdown rules being used to tackle the coronavirus but have mounting fears it will cripple the economy, a poll has found. The country supports Boris Johnson’s decision to shut down the country on March 23, but are scared about what it may cost. It is understood Foreign Secretary Dominic … Read more