Trump will visit Kenosha on Tuesday to meet cops and ‘survey the damage’ from the protests

President Trump will visit Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, following days of protests in the city over the police shooting of black man Jacob Blake, the White House announced on Saturday. Trump will meet with ‘law enforcement and survey damage from recent riots’, White House spokesman Judd Deere told reporters aboard Air Force One. He did … Read more

Trump surveys Hurricane Laura damage in Louisiana and says he knows the state will ‘rebuild it fast’

President Donald Trump got a firsthand look Saturday at the damage from Hurricane Laura as he traveled to Louisiana and then Texas to inspect the cleanup response.  The president had words of encouragement for Louisiana as he said he knew the state would ‘rebuild it fast’ and praised the work of first responders and law … Read more

Kim Jong-un holds cob of corn as he inspects typhoon damage

Kim Jong-un inspected typhoon damage with a cob of corn in his hand on Thursday – scotching the latest rumours that he is gravely ill or dead. North Korea’s supreme leader gave an upbeat verdict on the storm damage as he examined rice paddies and bean crops in the coastal province where Typhoon Bavi made … Read more

Drug that ‘repairs damage to the brain and spinal cord’ has been created by British scientists

A drug created by British scientists could repair damage to the brain and spinal cord by improving messaging between cells.    Scientists led by Cambridge University created a synthetic version of a protein known as Cerebellin-1 that links brain messaging neurons together. The compound, called CPTX, acts like a ‘bridge’ where connections have been lost due … Read more

Blood transfusions could protect stroke patients from brain damage, mouse trial shows 

Blood transfusions may have the potential to protect patients from brain damage following a stroke, a study on mice has suggested. Caused by inadequate blood supply reaching parts of the brain — either via a blood clot or burst vessel — strokes often lead to long-term disabilities. The condition is also one of Britain’s biggest … Read more

Prime Minister warns if children are not back at school next week it risks permanent damage

Boris Johnson has pleaded with parents to send their children back to the classroom as he takes charge of the drive to get all schools open next week. The Prime Minister warned last night that pupils risk permanent damage to their future life chances if they continue to stay away. Mr Johnson, who tomorrow morning … Read more

The scorched earth of Surrey: Devastating image reveals the damage left by wildfire

Scorched and charred, this is the devastation left by a ravaging wildfire that stopped play at a prestigious golf course. Around 140 acres of Chobham Common, Surrey, went up in flames after the fire broke out on Friday, forcing 100 residents to flee their homes.  The fire raced towards the fringes of Wentworth Golf Course, … Read more

Do shorter cables charge quicker and can it damage my devices battery life?

Do chargers with short cables charge your phone faster than those with longer leads? We ask the experts to find out … Shorter cables can charge devices quicker than longer ones  This is due to resistance – longer the wire, greater the resistance There is no proof that shorter cables can ruin battery life when … Read more

Blood test can diagnose brain damage in hours-old babies

Scientists have developed a blood test that can identify if a baby has suffered a lack of oxygen to the brain during birth.   The prototype test is based on a study of the blood samples of 45 babies that experienced oxygen deprivation at birth, known as birth asphyxia, which increases the risk of risk of disabilities … Read more

Nearly half of COVID-19 patients at a New York City developed severe kidney damage

More evidence has emerged that the novel coronavirus attacks and severely damages the kidneys.  Nearly half of patients with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, at one New City Hospital suffered acute kidney injury, a new report suggests.  Researchers found that, for one-fifth of those patients, the damage was so severe that they needed … Read more