Rip-off firms face crackdown as Government plans to outlaw bullying tactics

Parking ‘cowboys’ who use aggressive tactics are facing a crackdown by the Government.  Proposed laws aim to ban rogue private firms from handing out unfair and rip-off parking tickets.  The initiative includes an appeals charter intended to eliminate fines for motorists who make genuine errors or have mitigating circumstances.  Meanwhile, the Government is also considering … Read more

Ravers confront police trying to shut forest rave amid new crackdown on illegal parties

Rowdy revellers confronted a line of riot shield-wielding police officers in a Norfolk forest after authorities tried to shut down their 500-person rave. Crowds of police officers wearing helmets and hi-vis jackets moved in to break up the ‘well-established and planned’ all-night unlicensed music event in Thetford Forest. One raver appeared to try to rip a riot … Read more

Chairman of Travelex’s parent company quits in wake of HMRC crackdown

Chairman of Travelex’s parent company Finablr quits in wake of HMRC crackdown By Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 21:50 BST, 17 August 2020 | Updated: 21:50 BST, 17 August 2020 BR Shetty stepped down as Finablr chairman with immediate effect yesterday, with no explanation given The chairman of Travelex’s parent company has resigned … Read more

Police launch crackdown on wealthy boy racers using streets of Alderley Edge

Police patrolling one of Britain’s richest villages have begun a crackdown on wealthy boy racers using its genteel streets to engage in ‘Fast and Furious’ race meetings in high performance cars. Officers have been inundated with complaints from locals in Alderley Edge, Cheshire, about ‘loud revving of engines, rapid acceleration from junctions and general exhibitionist … Read more

Move to limit price of Funerals gets shelved but firms preying on families still face crackdown 

Death knell for cap on rip-off funeral costs: Move to limit price of saying goodbye to your loved ones gets shelved… but rogue firms preying on families still face a crackdown CMA previously said it was clear the £2 billion-a-year sector was not working The watchdog launched an investigation last year amid concerns of rogue … Read more

FCA launches crackdown on rogue advisers

FCA launches crackdown on rogue advisers: Two-year campaign aims to stop investment scams and excessive fees By Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 21:51 BST, 10 August 2020 | Updated: 21:51 BST, 10 August 2020 More than 100 financial advice firms are being investigated by the City watchdog as part of a sector-wide crackdown, … Read more

Artist David Hockney lays into ‘bossy boots’ Boris Johnson’s anti-obesit crackdown

Artist David Hockney lays into ‘bossy boots’ Boris Johnson’s anti-obesity junk food, alcohol and smoking crackdown – saying ‘you might live to 104… but call that living?’ Artists David Hockney, 83, has criticised the government’s plan to cut obesity Yesterday it was revealed that two thirds of UK adults are above a health weight Mr … Read more

Crackdown on fraudsters exposes nearly £2billion of false benefits claims and overpayments 

Crackdown on fraudsters exposes nearly £2billion of false benefits claims and overpayments The National Fraud Initiative matches data with public and private sector bodies It has identified £245 million of incorrect payments in the past two years alone The abuses range from housing benefits to disabled parking badges By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 01:31 BST, 19 … Read more

China’s Hong Kong crackdown could scupper Huawei deal

China’s ‘unacceptable’ crackdown in Hong Kong could shut the door to Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s 5G mobile network, Boris Johnson has said as London and Beijing traded blows today.  Mr Johnson said the draconian new security law that China has imposed on Hong Kong was ‘plainly an unacceptable breach’ of the freedoms that the city … Read more

HUNDREDS are arrested in Hong Kong crackdown as riot police clash with protesters

Shields raised and brandishing guns, a phalanx of riot police advance on protesters in Hong Kong yesterday as China’s crackdown on dissent began. Hundreds of pro-democracy activists were rounded up in the first wave of arrests related to a draconian new security law. They included a 15-year-old girl who was waving a flag calling for … Read more