China tells Japanese minister to drink Fukushima water after saying it was safe to dump in the ocean

China tells Japanese minister to drink a glass of treated Fukushima water after Tokyo announced it was safe to dump it in the Pacific Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijan has asked Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso to drink treated radioactive water from Fukushima  The comment on Wednesday came after Aso a day earlier … Read more

Scientists discover two new species of burrowing mammal ancestors

Scientists have discovered two new species of burrowing animals that lived in northeastern China 120 million years ago.  Skeletal remains of the species, called Fossiomanus sinensis and Jueconodon chenispiky, reveal they had claws designed for ‘scratch digging’ – a technique to create tunnels using the claws of the forelimbs.  Experts at the American Museum of Natural … Read more

Mother finds out her son’s bride is her long-lost DAUGHTER on their wedding day

Mother finds out her son’s bride is her long-lost DAUGHTER on their wedding day (and marriage goes ahead because the groom had been adopted)  A woman discovered her long-lost daughter was her son’s bride on wedding day   The woman was reportedly able to recognise her daughter from a birth mark The bride and her mother … Read more

Beijing muscles in on the South China Sea filling it with hundreds of boats in an act of aggression

China has filled the disputed South China Sea with more than 200 boats lashed together in rows in an act of aggression designed to ‘squeeze out’ other countries in Asia, experts warn.  Beijing have claimed the Chinese vessels, first spotted earlier this month off the coast of the Philippines, are merely fishing boats sheltering from … Read more

Wuhan food blogger says she was ‘surprised’ by other countries’ reaction to the Covid-19 outbreak

A Wuhan food blogger says she was ‘surprised and worried’ by the way other countries reacted to the Covid-19 outbreak because China provided a ‘textbook’ example of how to handle a pandemic.  Qiongyao Xie and her husband Jie Yang, who got married on January 19 – days before the city was plunged into lockdown – … Read more

Chinese spy on British visitors: Officials are routinely checked up on, leaked documents suggest

Chinese spy on British visitors: Officials are routinely checked up on when they travel to the country on business, leaked documents suggest Information recorded includes dates of birth and passport numbers Those on database include Margaret Johnson OBE and an Army officer   List also includes 7,600 Uighur Muslims in Shanghai, marked as ‘terrorists’  By Daily … Read more

China busts £55m video game cheating operation which sold hacks to Call of Duty and Overwatch

‘World’s biggest’ video game cheating operation that made £55million selling hacks for games such as Call Of Duty is smashed by Chinese police The so-called Chicken Drumstick ring offered gaming cheats around the world Gamers paid up to £145 a month to get access to the specially-designed hacks Chinese police say they busted the ring … Read more

China brings in new rules ensuring only ‘patriots’ loyal to Beijing can govern Hong Kong

China brings in new rules ensuring only ‘patriots’ loyal to Beijing can govern Hong Kong as it crushes democracy and dissent Beijing has increasingly tightened grip on HK since national security law in June Communists claimed latest overhaul gets rid of ‘loopholes and deficiencies’  Slashed number of directly elected parliamentarians and cut size of the … Read more

China’s ‘bendy’ glass bridge that’s so extraordinary some didn’t believe it was real 

Would YOU cross it? The double-deck ‘bendy’ glass bridge in China that’s so extraordinary some didn’t believe it was real The incredible Ruyi Bridge is 328ft long (100m) and spans the Shenxianju valley in China’s Zhejiang province The crossing consists of three undulating bridges and part of its deck is made from transparent glass  Since … Read more