Scientist who claimed coronavirus came from SPACE says prevailing winds are spreading the disease

A scientist who believes coronavirus came from space by meteor now says prevailing winds are spreading the disease to the hardest-hit countries. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology has  alleged that the meteor that exploded over China in October released viral particles. Once in the upper stratosphere, the virus either fell to Earth or … Read more

Patients infected with the coronavirus are most contagious BEFORE they get severe symptoms

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 4,500 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 125,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type … Read more

Trump’s coronavirus EU travel ban will hit embattled airlines ‘extremely hard’

European airline stocks plunged as much as 20 per cent today after US President Donald Trump said he would restrict travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days to try to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The surprise move is another setback for a sector that has been battered by earlier travel … Read more

Why are so many people dying from the coronavirus in Italy?

By Ben Spencer and Mario Ledwith for the Daily Mail  HOW BAD IS CORONAVIRUS IN ITALY? Italy is the worst-hit country other than China, with 366 deaths and 7,375 confirmed cases of the virus [subs: please update figures later]. The country has imposed the most restrictive measures since World War Two, with 16million people now … Read more

China quarantines foreign arrivals to stop coronavirus coming IN to the country

Beijing today ordered people arriving in the city from any country to go into 14-day quarantine as China reported an increase in imported coronavirus cases, threatening its progress against the epidemic. China has made major strides in its battle against the virus, prompting President Xi Jinping to visit Wuhan, the central city at the heart … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: We must all invoke a wartime mentality to combat coronavirus

This is war. Make no mistake, for my generation, the COVID-19 coronavirus is the biggest threat to civilian life that we will have experienced since World War 2. The disease has smashed its way out of China, where it started, and begun to wreak deadly havoc all over the globe. And it represents a particularly … Read more

NHS 111 has been giving WRONG advice over coronavirus

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 4,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 110,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type … Read more

Wuhan residents are set to receive lessons in ‘gratitude’ to thank government for coronavirus fight

Wuhan residents are set to receive lessons in ‘gratitude’ so they can thank government for coronavirus fight The city in central China was the epicentre of the virus outbreak in December It has been on lockdown since January but President Xi Jinping visited this week The move prompted hopes quarantine will lifted – but now … Read more

Coronavirus: death toll soars as Italy has 168 fatalities in a day

Italy recorded 168 coronavirus deaths today, its highest single-day toll to date, pushing the number of fatalities outside China to more than 1,000. Overall in Italy, 631 people have died from the COVID-19 disease caused by the virus and 10,149 have been infected in just over two weeks.  Today’s toll raised the number of deaths … Read more

Coronavirus: China halted spread with ‘authoritarian measures’

China halted the coronavirus using a ‘social nuclear weapon’ of extreme measures that other countries will struggle to replicate, an expert has warned.   Nicholas A. Christakis, Sterling Professor of Social & Natural Science at Yale University, took to Twitter yesterday to explain how China has managed to rapidly de-escalate the threat of COVID-19 within its borders.  … Read more