Children’s play area on 1970s council estate is among new Grade-II listed places

Picture the kind of sites that are granted protected status and you’ll probably think of somewhere grand or historically significant – York Minster or the house in which Shakespeare was born, for instance. Now there is a new addition to Historic England’s esteemed register of listed structures – a children’s slide on a council estate … Read more

Children’s play area on 1970s council estate is among new list of places

Heritage on the slide! Children’s play area on 1970s council estate is among new list of places given a Grade II-listing There is new addition to Historic England’s esteemed register of listed structures The children’s slide on a council estate in Westminster was built in the 1970s It has now been added to the National … Read more

Sudanese boy, 16, stole blow-up children’s boat from French beach hut before drowning, says friend

A Sudanese boy, 16, ‘stole a blow-up children’s boat from a French beach hut’ before drowning when it capsized in the Channel crossing, admitted his friend who survived.   The victim, who could not swim, had set off from Calais in the middle of the night to try to reach Britain in the 3ft dinghy. The dinghy … Read more

Giving unique names to children’s toys helps infants distinguish between different objects 

Giving names to children’s toys does help infants with their recognition skills early in life, a new study shows.  One-year-olds successfully recognised cuddly toys from earlier if they’d already been told them their names, experiments in the US show.  This compared with other one-year-olds in the experiments who had seen the toys before, but hadn’t … Read more

Children’s playhouse listed on Airbnb booked by family of four for £500 a night

Tiny 8ft by 6ft children’s playhouse listed on Airbnb for a joke is booked by family of four for a weekend break for £500 a night Jason Kneen, 49, built the 8ft (2.4m) by 6ft (1.8m) structure in his garden  The father-of-five then advertised it on the popular travel website for a joke  Family of … Read more

Children’s book-writing parish councillor who was shot by deluded Nazi-fanatic neighbour dies

A ‘beautiful and talented’ parish councillor has died today after he was shot by a a Nazi fanatic who thought he was a ‘government agent’ and hated the police.  James Nash, 42, passed away from his injures in hospital, two days after being shot by ‘troubled’ Alex Sartain, 34, with a ‘handmade gun’ in the … Read more

Pictured: ‘Troubled’ neighbour who ‘shot children’s book-writing parish councillor’

A parish councillor was gunned down in the front garden of his thatched cottage by a neighbour who was then killed in a police chase.  James Nash, 42, was in hospital last night with serious injuries following the attack in the pretty Hampshire hamlet of Upper Enham, near Andover. Officers gave chase in a patrol … Read more

Schools must stay open ahead of pubs and shops, Children’s Commissioner says 

Schools must be kept open ahead of pubs or shops in any future coronavirus lockdown, the Children’s Commissioner for England has warned. In a major intervention, Anne Longfield said children had been treated as an ‘after-thought’ in the first lockdown and insisted they must be at the heart of future plans. She said schools should … Read more

Music lessons do NOT help children’s other areas of study like reading and maths, research suggests 

Music lessons do NOT help children’s other areas of study like reading and maths, research suggests Music lessons do not help children improve cognitive skills for reading or maths Findings come from a review of 54 scientific studies involving 7,000 children  But lessons can improve general intelligence, memory and sound perception By Victoria Allen Science … Read more