Ben Wallace stops to SHAKE HANDS on way into Cabinet

Ben Wallace appears to have forgotten social distancing rules as he stops to SHAKE HANDS on way into Cabinet Boris Johnson is gathering his Cabinet for first time since the summer holidays Defence Secretary Ben Wallace stopped to shake hands as he arrived today The PM is setting out his desire to get the country … Read more

Half of Cabinet ministers could see a big rise in the number of houses built in their back yards

Full members of the Cabinet BORIS JOHNSON, PRIME MINISTER  Constituency: Uxbridge and South Ruislip, Main local authority in that seat: HILLINGDON, Annual number of homes predicted in local plan: 559 Annual number of homes under new algorithm: 2026 RISHI SUNAK, CHANCELLOR  Richmond, RICHMONDSHIRE, 191 to 124 DOMINIC RAAB, FOREIGN SECRETARY  Esher and Walton, ELMBRIDGE, 225 to 774 PRITI … Read more

Cabinet Office draws up scenario of second wave of Covid and No Deal Brexit

The government have drawn up battle plans for the possibility of being hit with a second wave of coronavirus and a No-Deal Brexit simultaneously, it has been claimed. Leaked documents warn of a potential social care crisis from councils going bankrupt and the army being drafted in to prevent public disorder. The revelation puts mounting … Read more

The Cabinet of Calm: Paul Anthony Jones’s ‘linguistic remedies’

Words to wash away your worries: Paul Anthony Jones uses ‘linguistic remedies’ to offer reassurance and hope in the face of all the ghastly feelings that enshroud us day after day By Marcus Berkmann for the Daily Mail Published: 22:01 BST, 20 August 2020 | Updated: 22:05 BST, 20 August 2020 The Cabinet Of Calm … Read more

Only one in seven civil servants working at the Cabinet Office are back at their desks, figures show

Only one in seven civil servants working at the Cabinet Office are back at their desks, new figures show Mail can reveal that just one in seven civil servants have returned to the office  This comes despite the Prime Minister asking people to stop working from home  Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: ‘If civil servants don’t … Read more

Boris Johnson’s Cabinet is ‘dismal’ says Sir Nicholas Soames

Winston Churchill’s grandson Tory MP Nicholas Soames says Boris Johnson is ‘no Churchill’ and his Cabinet is ‘the worst in 36 years’ Sir Nicholas Soames has delivered damning verdict on Boris Johnson’s Cabinet Tory former MP said many ministers ‘very average’ and government is ‘dismal’ Dismissed comparisons between Mr Johnson and his own grandfather Churchill  … Read more

Now all 22 Cabinet ministers back the Daily Mail’s Great British September Clean 

The Cabinet has backed the Great British September Clean to tackle the litter that has blighted the country during lockdown. All 22 ministers, led by Boris Johnson, have pledged to take part in a socially distanced litter pick when the scheme begins in September. The Mail and Keep Britain Tidy are encouraging the public and … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson’s Cabinet to meet WITHOUT masks 

So much for one metre plus! Boris Johnson will gather his Cabinet in person for the first time since MARCH tomorrow as No10 confirms ministers will sit just one metre apart WITHOUT masks Ministers will meet in a large room in the palatial Foreign Office building  It will be the first full meeting since March 17, … Read more

Get back to office as an example to the nation, Boris Johnson orders his Cabinet

Get back to office as an example to the nation, Boris Johnson orders his Cabinet… and he’s got them a giant table so they can keep their social distance Boris Johnson has ordered his cabinet to attend a meeting in Westminster  The PM wants to inspire the nation to assure them to go back into … Read more

Dominic Cummings wields axe over Cabinet ‘leakers’

Dominic Cummings wields axe over Cabinet ‘leakers’ Liz Truss, Ben Wallace and Robert Buckland – who are at the top of Boris Johnson’s hitlist in his next reshuffle Friends of Ms Truss are feeling very pessimistic about her career prospects It followed the leaking of a letter she wrote to Rishi Sunak and Michael Gove  … Read more