Boris Johnson ‘missed five Cobra meetings on coronavirus’

Boris Johnson has come under renewed scrutiny for his lackluster coronavirus preparations after it was revealed he skipped five Cobra crisis meetings in the weeks leading up to Britain’s outbreak. The Prime Minister was accused of taking a backseat role in the early planning phase to shore up the country’s pandemic response, despite mounting concern … Read more

Coronavirus: Sadiq Khan says UK MUST ask for Brexit extension

Sadiq Khan claims the UK MUST ask the EU for a Brexit transition period extension because of the coronavirus crisis as he accuses ministers of ‘putting dogma ahead of the national interest’ Mayor of London said both the UK and the EU need to focus on coronavirus fight He said UK government refusal to consider … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Matt Hancock’s meltdowns have revealed a mediocre minister

This morning the government’s carefully constructed strategy for dealing with coronavirus fell apart when Health Secretary Matt Hancock lost his temper in two media confrontations. First, a feisty exchange with the Today programme’s Nick Robinson, and then on ITV’s Good Morning Britain he exploded in a combative exchange with Piers Morgan. Two meltdowns in less … Read more

10,000 Brits become German, French and Swedish dual-nationals since 2016 Brexit vote

More than 10,000 Britons have become German, French or Swedish since 2016 Brexit vote as thousands seek to retain freedom of movement as dual-nationality EU citizens  Eurostat reports a six-fold rise in UK nationals taking EU citizenships since 2015 Over 6,000 have become Germans and over 3,000 secured French passports The trend shows a rush of … Read more

What will Brexit Day mean for your finances and rights? This is Money podcast

What will Brexit Day mean for your finances, consumer rights and trips abroad? This is Money podcast By This Is Money Published: 17:34 BST, 31 January 2020 | Updated: 10:23 BST, 4 February 2020 It’s Brexit Day. After 11pm on Friday 31 January 2019, Britain is officially no longer a member of the European Union. … Read more

FTSE LIVE: UK manufacturing slides to 7-year low; Channel tunnel firm ‘ready’ for Brexit

FTSE CLOSE: UK manufacturing slides to seven-year low; Channel tunnel firm ‘ready for a no-deal Brexit’; US-China trade war escalates Channel tunnel operator GetLink insists it is ‘ready for a no-deal Brexit’ There was a marked escalation in the US-China trade war overnight The latest UK manufacturing figures show activity slid to a 7-year low … Read more

Sir Keir Starmer WINS election to replace Jeremy Corbyn as the new Labour leader

Sir Keir Starmer was today named the new leader of the Labour Party as its members comprehensively backed a break with the politics of five disastrous  years under Jeremy Corbyn. Sir Keir, 57, a former Director of Public Prosecutions, overwhelmingly saw off the challenge of the Corbynite continuity candidate Rebecca Long-Bailey, who was backed by … Read more

Labour leadership favourite Keir Starmer ‘plans scorched earth removal of hard-Left’

Labour leadership favourite Keir Starmer ‘plans scorched earth removal of hard-Left if he takes over from Jeremy Corbyn this week’ Labour leader result being declared at behind-closed doors event on Saturday  Sir Keir Starmer is expected to be installed as the successor to Jeremy Corbyn  Claims that Sir Keir will go for a ‘scorched earth’ … Read more

Two-thirds of Britons want Brexit trade talks delay amid coronavirus – poll

Two-thirds of Britons want Brexit trade talks delay so Boris Johnson can focus on coronavirus, poll finds Boris Johnson has insisted Brexit transition will not be extended past December  Mounting speculation the date will have to be moved amid coronavirus chaos Poll finds two-thirds of the public back an extension to focus on killer disease  … Read more

Did Michel Barnier infect PM? The EU’s Brexit negotiator could be Downing Street’s ‘Patient Zero’

Could this be the ultimate revenge for Brexit? The coronavrius that has laid Boris Johnson low may have passed into Westminster’s inner circle via the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, according to one theory. The Mail on Sunday has traced connections between those known to have the virus in an attempt to identify Downing … Read more