PICTURE BOOKS | Daily Mail Online

PICTURE BOOKS By Sally Morris for the Daily Mail Published: 22:13 BST, 8 October 2020 | Updated: 22:13 BST, 8 October 2020 WHAT WE’LL BUILD by Oliver Jeffers (HarperCollins £14.99, 48 pp) WHAT WE’LL BUILD by Oliver Jeffers (HarperCollins £14.99, 48 pp) Award-winning author Oliver Jeffers wrote this for his daughter, Mari, and its touching … Read more

Cambridge professor reveals how technological developments can be a threat to humanity 

Why we’re all working MORE, and not less: Cambridge professor reveals how technological developments can be a threat to humanity Cambridge professor suggests advances in technology could be detrimental Suggests rise in Britain’s population leads to productivity being cancelled out Says famines, wars & pandemics are ‘imminent & severe correction’ of disorder By Roger Lewis … Read more

Rishi Sunak warns he WILL need to balance the books after Covid crisis

Rishi Sunak warned of tax rises to come and lavished praise on ‘special’ Boris Johnson today as he tried to quell growing rumours of a feud over lockdown. The Chancellor hailed the PM as a ‘rare’ communicator who had ‘got the big calls right’ as he delivered his keynote speech to Tory conference. Mr Sunak again … Read more

Reading: Books with busy pictures ‘make it harder for kids to focus and understand the story’

Children’s books with lots of really detailed pictures ‘make it harder for kids to focus and understand the story’, study shows US researchers modified half of a kids’ book to remove all its needless pictures 6–8-year-olds were given it to read while their eye movements were tracked The kids were less distracted and learnt more … Read more

Reading: Children’s books with busy pictures ‘make it harder for kids to focus and absorb knowledge’

Children’s books with lots of really detailed pictures ‘make it harder for kids to focus and absorb knowledge’, study shows US researchers modified half of a kids’ book to remove all its needless pictures 6–8-year-olds were given it to read while their eye movements were tracked The kids were less distracted and learnt more when … Read more

WHAT BOOK would TV presenter Dermot O’Leary take to a desert island?

WHAT BOOK would TV presenter Dermot O’Leary take to a desert island? Dermot O’Leary is currently reading Into The Raging Sea by Rachel Slade  He’d take to a desert island: The Charlie Parker books by John Connolly Toto The Ninja Cat And The Mystery Jewel Thief by Dermot O’Leary is out now By Daily Mail … Read more

Devastated dad who doodled grief away: Animator Gary Andrews illustrates the reality of bereavement

MEMOIR Finding Joy by Gary Andrews (John Murray £16.99, 192pp) ‘Grief,’ wrote C. S. Lewis, ‘is like a long valley, a winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape.’ After his wife — poet Joy Davidman — died aged just 45 in 1960, the Chronicles Of Narnia author was compelled to document … Read more