Beirut explosion: Politician blames Hezbollah and government

Lebanese security forces faced off with dozens of anti-government demonstrators last night, angered by the devastating explosion widely seen as the most shocking expression yet of the government’s incompetence. Tear gas was fired to disperse scuffles that broke out in ravaged streets in central Beirut leading to parliament, the wreckage from Tuesday’s explosion still littering the entire … Read more

Beirut explosion: Footage shows how blaze sparked blast

‘Oh my God, oh my God, come inside and close the window!’: Harrowing moment couple film blaze at Beirut port only to capture moment blast as big as small nuclear bomb devastates city sending them and the camera flying Footage captured by a couple is believed to be the closest taken to Beirut blast  It … Read more

Beirut explosion: Russian who owned explosives is questioned

The Russian businessman whose explosives blew up Beirut’s port has been interviewed by police at his home in Cyprus – but is likely to avoid any charges. Igor Grechushkin was asked a ‘list of questions’ by Cypriot investigators in Limassol this afternoon on behalf of the Lebanese authorities, MailOnline can reveal. A cargo of 2,750 … Read more

Fears over UK ammonium nitrate storage after Beirut explosion

Explosives and safety experts say a Beirut-style mega-blast could not happen in the UK – because of strict production and storage rules on the substance linked to the tragedy. The Health and Safety Executive said the control of Ammonium Nitrate was tightly regulated, while chemical explosive experts said it was produced to a standard that made … Read more

Beirut explosion: Bride returns to scene of wedding video

Radiant in a long white gown and veil, 29-year-old Lebanese bride Israa Seblani stands smiling and posing for her wedding video. The scene is shattered by a deafening roar, and a powerful shockwave nearly blows her off her feet. The dramatic footage captured the moment when a massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital on Tuesday, … Read more

Beirut explosion: Firefighters who died as blast hit warehouse

The three hero firefighters pictured desperately trying to force their way into the doomed Beirut warehouse to put out the flames can be named by MailOnline today.  Jo Noon, Methal Hawwa and Najib Hitti were part of a 10-person rapid response team. Nine of them are still missing while their female colleague, 25-year-old Sahar Faris, … Read more

Beirut explosion: Last photo emerges of firefighters before blast

A tragic photo has emerged showing the final moments of firefighters sent to tackle a blaze at Warehouse 12 in Beirut’s port before the chemicals stored inside exploded with the force of a small nuke – killing at least 137.  The image – verified by MailOnline – shows firefighters trying to prize the lock off … Read more

Hero firefighters trying to open door to doomed Beirut warehouse in tragic photo named

The three hero firefighters pictured desperately trying to force their way into the doomed Beirut warehouse to put out the flames can be named by MailOnline today.  Jo Noon, Methal Hawwa and Najib Hati were part of a 10-person rapid response team. Nine of them are still missing while one female colleague, Sahar Faris, has been … Read more

Port worker is found bloodied but alive 30 hours after being blown into the sea by Beirut blast

A man who was blown into the sea when a devastating chemical blast tore through downtown Beirut yesterday has been found alive after 30 hours. Port of Beirut worker Amin al-Zahed, whose photo was posted on an Instagram page dedicated to locating missing residents, was found in the Mediterannean sea, 30 hours after the blast … Read more

Anger mounts against Lebanon’s government following Beirut blast

Anger is mounting against Lebanon’s government following the massive blast in Beirut which has killed at least 137 people and wounded more than 5,000 as activists vowed to take to the streets as soon as the clean-up is over.  Prime Minister Hassan Diab has vowed that those responsible for the explosion – triggered when 2,750 … Read more