Psychology: More than an hour a day of screen-time increases toddlers’ risk of behavioural issues

Spending more than an hour a day watching programmes on devices may increase the risk that toddlers will have emotional and behavioural issues, a study has warned. These issues include hyperactivity, poor concentration, short attention spans and trouble connecting with other children and forging friendships. The researchers have speculated that devices are reducing the time that children … Read more

Behavioural expert Judi James says Harry is adopting an American accent

Harry’s ‘American drawl’: Prince’s new rising inflection, ‘blending of words’, and ‘overkill gesticulation’ show he is copying Meghan’s Californian accent, behaviour expert claims Judi James said being in lockdown with Meghan would have sped up changes Said it was ‘particularly pronounced’ during his interview with Oprah Winfrey Also noted by Twitter users, one of whom … Read more