China bans mobile phone browsers from providing ‘bad information’

China cracks down on mobile phone browsers to ban ‘bad information’ that goes against Socialist values The country’s top cyber authority announced the new ‘rectification’ on Monday It is targeted at web browsers owned by influential Chinese firms such as Huawei The apps are banned from sharing content deemed ‘unfit for Socialist values’ China has ramped … Read more

Pub bans Tory MPs for life while others are sent angry teddy bear messages and empty plates

A pub has banned Tory MPs for life while others have been sent angry teddy bear messages and empty plates for voting against the free school meal extension.  The Globe in Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, said Stephen Crabb and Simon Hart left them with ‘no option’ after they failed to back the Marcus Rashford scheme. Pictures also show … Read more

Fury as Tesco in Wales bans sale of tampons because they are NON-ESSENTIAL

The Welsh ‘trolley police’ sparked fury this morning after women in Tesco were told they could not buy sanitary towels – because they were non-essential items. Details of the extraordinary restriction were revealed by the supermarket online after a complaint from a shopper, known only as Katie. It sparked a war of words between Tesco … Read more

Pregnant women face new lone birth ordeal as NHS bans partners again amid rising coronavirus rates

Pregnant women face new lone birth ordeal as NHS bans partners again amid rising coronavirus rates Liverpool Women’s Hospital has already placed fresh restrictions on partners Just over half of trusts said they would review policy in the event of rising rates  Last night, MP Alicia Kearns urged bosses to reconsider and put ‘humanity’ first  … Read more

Last order orders! House of Commons bans the sale of alcohol in parliament from Saturday

Last order orders! Speaker Lindsay Hoyle bans the sale of alcohol in House of Commons bars from Saturday (so will peers axe the beers too?) Lindsay Hoyle announced the banning of alcohol from the House of Commons  No alcohol will be served in the Commons for the ‘foreseeable future’  The new restrictions will not affect … Read more

Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon says she won’t rule out bans on UK travel

Travel bans could be introduced to stop people coming into Scotland from coronavirus hotspots in other parts of the UK. Nicola Sturgeon yesterday confirmed that she wants to stop cross-Border travel from regions that have the highest Covid-19 rates to those with a lower prevalence. The Scottish First Minister also backed a controversial move by … Read more

Courts to come down harder with bans for motorists with 12 or more points

Courts to come down harder with bans for motorists who accrue 12 or more penalty points on their licence after thousands avoid disqualification using ‘exceptional hardship’ loophole Over 9,000 UK driver are believed to be driving despite having 12 or more points Most have avoided disqualification by claiming it would result in ‘exceptional hardship’ as … Read more

Coronavirus: Millions in North and Midlands face travel bans and pub closures

Boris Johnson’s plans to introduce tough new lockdown measures in England were going down to the wire on Saturday as discussions between No 10 and local leaders continued late into the evening. Millions of people in the Midlands and the North are facing travel bans and the shutting of pubs, with local communities tasked with … Read more

School bans pupils from wearing Liverpool FC face masks to avoid becoming ‘status symbols’

A school has banned pupils from wearing Liverpool FC face masks in a bid to stop them from becoming fashionable ‘status symbols’. Lord Derby Academy (LDA) in Huyton, Merseyside, sent a text message to parents saying face coverings worn in the school must be ‘black, grey, burgundy or medical blue’ in school from Monday, September 21. … Read more

Wales bans alcohol sales across the whole country after 10pm in coronavirus crackdown 

The Welsh Government has banned alcohol sales across the whole country after 10pm in their own draconian crackdown on coronavirus. Pubs, cafes, restaurants and casinos in Wales must operate as table service only and close from 10pm, First Minister Mark Drakeford announced. Off-licences including supermarkets will also be stopped from selling alcohol at the same … Read more