Mayor of London Sadiq Khan warns he will ban people from pubs

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

EU’s coronavirus lockdown: European countries are poised to BAN Britons

The EU today revealed plans to shut itself off from all outsiders as it takes drastic measures to halt the spread of coronavirus.  European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen unveiled a proposed ban on all non-essential travel by non-citizens into the 26-nation Schengen free travel area for 30 days. In addition, emergency medical and … Read more

Tyson Fury facing an eight-year ban from boxing if he is found guilty by doping officials

UK Anti-Doping are poised to open a new investigation into Tyson Fury and his cousin Hughie Fury after explosive allegations that a member of their team offered a farmer £25,000 to lie about how they each failed a drugs test in 2015. While the national doping watchdog is remaining tight-lipped, Sportsmail understands they are set … Read more

Donald Trump’s UK travel ban piles pressure on BA as Virgin Atlantic demands £7.5billion bailout

Donald Trump’s UK travel ban piles pressure on beleaguered BA, which relies on £1billion-a-year transatlantic route, as Virgin Atlantic demands £7.5billion government bailout for the struggling airline industry BA’s CEO Alex Cruz told employees the airline was fighting for its survival Now Donald Trump’s travel ban will further impact the already struggling BA  Passengers are … Read more

Hundreds of Yellow Vest protestors clash on the streets of Paris despite coronavirus ban

Hundreds of Yellow Vest protestors clash on the streets of Paris in anti-government demonstration as they defy ban on street crowds due to the coronavirus pandemic Violent crowds of more than 800 protestors gathered in central Paris Anti-Government Yellow Vests demand end to Emmanuel Macron’s rule Fighting broke out between demonstrators and riot police who … Read more

US travel ban on Europe ‘is set to be extended to the UK and Ireland on Monday night’

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 5,300 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 140,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type … Read more

At least 100 care homes ban visitors from seeing their relatives

At least 100 care homes have banned all relatives from seeing their elderly residents despite government advice allowing healthy people to visit. The government has not taken drastic measures leading to fears vulnerable people could catch the virus. Bupa, which runs 125 care homes, advised on Friday that no visits should be carried out except … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump may ban visitors from the UK

Donald Trump is considering banning flights from the UK in the latest efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus.  The US president said the UK exemption had been made on the recommendation of ‘a group of professionals’ – but the rising number of British cases could result in a volte-face. ‘We are looking at it … Read more

Cabinet minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan clear of coronavirus amid calls for Parliament to ban visitors

The International Development Secretary said she was one of the increasing number of MPs self-isolating for seven days in a bid to stem the spread of the disease int he heart of politics Cabinet minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan has tested negative for coronavirus, she revealed today as Parliament’s decision-makers came under mounting pressure to ban visitors. The … Read more

Jeremy Hunt blasts Boris Johnson’s ‘concerning’ decision not to ban public events

Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is ‘surprised and concerned’ Boris Johnson didn’t lockdown parts of Britain to tackle the coronavirus ‘national emergency’ as debate rages over whether the PM has gone far enough to protect Britain’s 66million population. Mr Hunt, who since leaving the cabinet is chair of the Commons health and social … Read more