Britain’s regulators approve 20-SECOND Covid saliva test

Britain’s regulators approve 20-SECOND Covid saliva test that firm hopes can be used in airports, football stadiums and offices UK start-up iAbra said Virolens test given approval by Britain’s medical regulator Hoped to be rolled out widely in coming months as lockdown starts to be eased Involves a saliva swab of the inner-cheeks, unlike most … Read more

Germany is set to approve AstraZeneca for over-65s

Germany is set to open up the AstraZeneca vaccine to over-65s in a major U-turn to revive its faltering vaccine programme – as the EU today looked for another lifeline by beginning the approval process for Russia’s Sputnik V jab.   Five weeks after blocking the AstraZeneca shot for older people, German regulators will submit their … Read more

Swiss voters are poised to approve ‘burqa ban’

Swiss voters will deliver their verdict on a proposed ‘burqa ban’ this weekend with polls suggesting they are likely to approve the measure in Sunday’s referendum.  The far-right Swiss People’s Party is spearheading the campaign to ban face coverings in public, arguing that ‘our tradition is that you show your face’ and describing the veils … Read more

A THIRD of Tory voters would approve of Rishi replacing Boris as PM

‘Brand Rishi’ is back! Chancellor posts glitzy video and promises ‘first ever’ post-Budget press conference as he reignites leadership bid speculation and poll shows more than a THIRD of 2019 Tory voters would approve of him replacing Boris Johnson as PM New poll showed 37 per cent of Tory voters would approve of the PM … Read more

New poll says two-thirds of Republicans approve of Donald Trump’s behavior even after MAGA riot

New poll says two-thirds of Republicans approve of Donald Trump’s behavior even after MAGA riot – and supporters of both parties say the country is tearing itself apart 64 per cent of Republicans support Trump’s recent behavior House voted to impeach him Wednesday on ‘incitement of insurrection’ Trump claimed the election was rigged despite 50 … Read more

Why is Britain the ONLY country to approve Oxford’s Covid jab?

Questions are being asked over the speed at which the UK managed to approve the ‘game-changing’ Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab. Yesterday, Britain became the first and only country to give the go ahead for the use of the vaccine, following rigorous trials which found no-one who was given the jab became seriously ill.  Dr June Raine, … Read more

US could approve Moderna’s Covid vaccine ‘within hours’

How does the Moderna vaccine work? It works in a similar way to the jab from Pfizer/BioNTech. Coronavirus is studded with “spike proteins” that it uses to enter human cells. Covid-19 vaccines target this spike protein. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA), a genetic material that contains information about the spike … Read more

Alex Azar says the FDA will approve Pfizer vaccine ‘in the next couple of days’

‘Get the damn vaccines out now!’ Trump rages at ‘slow turtle’ FDA for taking so long to approve Pfizer vaccine and tells them ‘stop playing games and start saving lives’ – as Azar says approval may still take ‘a couple of days’ Trump tweeted on Friday that the FDA was a ‘slow turtle’ taking too … Read more

Coronavirus: Canada second country to approve Pfizer Covid vaccine

Canada has become just the second country in the world to approve Pfizer Inc’s coronavirus vaccine, and may start immunizing residents as early as next week. On Wednesday, the country’s health regulator, Health Canada, posted on its website that it had authorized the jab after a two-month independent review on safety and efficacy. ‘Canadians can … Read more