Angela Merkel calls for ‘more realism’ from the UK in Brexit trade deal talks

Angela Merkel calls for ‘more realism’ from the UK in Brexit trade deal talks in blow to Boris Johnson’s hopes she would help break the deadlock Angela Merkel’s government called for ‘more realism’ from the UK in trade talks German government said the bloc was ready for negotiations to move quickly But Boris Johnson hoped … Read more

Ministers told UK was on brink of running out of food after Macron warned he would close borders

Macron ‘forced Boris’s hand on lockdown’ by threatening to close border and ministers were told Britain was on brink of running out of food Matt Hancock was told at start of crisis UK’s food supply chain about to ‘fall over’ Macron warned to act now or France will close borders – 3 days before lockdown … Read more

Germany plans to shut all coal-burning power plants by 2038

Germany moves forward with $45billion plan to close all its coal-burning power plants by 2038 and eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 The German parliament passed a set of bills eliminating coal-power by 2038 The bills include $45billion to fund the transition to other power sources It’s part of a wider goal of eliminating … Read more

Germany approves plan to close all coal-burning power plants by 2038 and shift to renewable energy 

Germany moves forward with $45billion plan to close all its coal-burning power plants by 2038 and eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 The German parliament passed a set of bills eliminating coal-power by 2038 The bills include $45billion to fund the transition to other power sources It’s part of a wider goal of eliminating … Read more

Trump talks to Queen Elizabeth after leak revealed his ‘delusional’ calls with world leaders

President Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II spoke on Tuesday, a conversation that took place amid a report that the president held ‘demeaning’ phone calls with female world leaders. The report from CNN described how Trump treated the powerful women, calling Theresa May ‘weak’ and telling Angela Merkel she was ‘stupid.’  But Trump is fond … Read more

Angela Merkel gives Emmanuel Macron the red carpet treatment – from six feet away

France and Germany aren’t quite as close as they used to be! Angela Merkel gives Emmanuel Macron the red carpet treatment – from six feet away German Chancellor Merkel and French President met at Meseberg Castle today Pair seemed at ease as they kept two-metres apart amid the coronavirus crisis  Talks came ahead of Germany … Read more

Greta Thunberg slams world leaders who only want selfies with her to ‘look good’

Greta Thunberg slams world leaders who only want selfies with her to ‘look good’ and says they should be ‘ashamed’ for betraying future generations on climate change Greta Thunberg claimed Angela Merkel queued to have a ‘selfie’ with her Activist said world leaders have betrayed future generations on climate change 17-year-old has also met Prince … Read more

Boris Johnson repeats threat of walking away from trade talks with Brussels

Boris Johnson says he WILL away from trade talks with Brussels as and leave EU on ‘Australia terms’ if no deal can be reached Boris Johnson told Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki UK was ‘prepared to leave’ EU Country would use ‘Australia terms’ of no bespoke deal without an agreement Angela Merkel warned UK would ‘live with consequences’ … Read more

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of fewer economic ties with EU

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of Boris Johnson’s decision to loosen economic ties with the EU as German leader hardens her Brexit stance Angela Merkel has hardened her stance on a UK-EU Brexit trade deal  Ex-UK PM Theresa May was keen on keeping close ties with the European Union … Read more

Parents in Germany receive 20 weeks’ pay for loss of work while looking after children in lockdown

Parents in Germany will receive 20 weeks’ salary for loss of work while looking after children during lockdown under government proposals Single parents can apply for 20 weeks’ pay, cohabiting parents could get ten  The announcement was made by CDU Health Minister Jens Spahn on Tuesday   It is hoped to ‘support’ parents baring ‘heavy burden’ … Read more